Preliminary Results - Part 3
Vodafone Group PLC
29 May 2001
1 Basis of preparation
The preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2001 are an abridged
statement of the full Group accounts which were approved by the Board of
Directors on 29 May 2001. The Auditors' Report on these accounts was
unqualified. The preliminary results do not comprise statutory accounts
within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The non-
pro forma information relating to the year ended 31 March 2000, is an
extract from the published accounts for that year, which have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies, and on which the Auditors'
Report was unqualified.
On 3 April 2000, Vodafone contributed its US wireless and paging assets
into a new joint venture partnership, Verizon Wireless, in which
Vodafone had a 65.1% ownership interest. Following completion of the
Bell Atlantic/GTE merger to form Verizon Communications, GTE's US
wireless assets were contributed to Verizon Wireless on 10 July 2000 and
Vodafone Group's ownership interest reduced to 45%.
Prior to the formation of Verizon Wireless, the turnover and operating
results of Vodafone Group's US wireless and paging operations were
consolidated within Group operating profit from continuing operations.
From 3 April 2000, Vodafone Group has equity accounted for its interest
in the operating results of Verizon Wireless, which is included in the
Group's share of the operating profit of joint ventures and associated
undertakings from continuing operations. The turnover and operating loss
(after goodwill amortisation) of Vodafone Group's US businesses for the
year ended 31 March 2000 were £2,585m and £100m, respectively. The net
assets of the US businesses contributed to the Verizon Wireless joint
venture have been treated as having been disposed, and Vodafone Group's
interest in the new venture is included within fixed asset investments
as an interest in an associated undertaking.
On 12 April 2000, Vodafone Group received clearance from the European
Commission for the acquisition of Mannesmann AG. Vodafone Group has
accounted for the transaction as an acquisition under UK GAAP in
accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 6, 'Acquisitions and
Mergers'. Turnover and operating loss from acquisitions excludes the
results of Mannesmann operations that were held for resale on
acquisition. These excluded operations include Atecs Mannesmann,
Mannesmann's watches and tubes businesses, Orange, Infostrada, tele.ring
and Ipulsys.
On 27 July 2000, Vodafone AirTouch Plc was renamed Vodafone Group Plc.
2 Segmental analysis
The Group's principal business is the supply of mobile
telecommunications services and products. Other operations primarily
comprise fixed line telecommunications businesses acquired as part of
the acquisition of Mannesmann AG and the Vizzavi Europe joint venture.
Analyses of turnover and total Group operating profit by geographical
region and class of business are as follows:
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2001 2000
£m £m
Group turnover
Mobile telecommunications:
Continental Europe 9,577 1,705
United Kingdom 3,444 2,901
United States 9 2,585
Asia Pacific 713 565
Middle East and Africa 308 117
-------- --------
14,051 7,873
Other operations:
Continental Europe 953 -
-------- --------
15,004 7,873
======== ========
Total Group operating profit/(loss)
(before goodwill and exceptional
Mobile telecommunications:
Continental Europe 3,035 955
United Kingdom 795 706
United States 1,237 541
Asia Pacific 205 188
Middle East and Africa 213 148
-------- --------
5,485 2,538
Other operations:
Continental Europe (281) -
-------- --------
5,204 2,538
Subsidiary undertakings 3,322 1,685
Share of joint ventures and
associated undertakings 1,882 853
Amortisation of goodwill (11,882) (1,712)
Exceptional operating items (320) (30)
-------- --------
Total Group operating (loss)/profit (6,998) 796
======== ========
Exceptional operating items of £320m primarily comprise impairment
charges of £91m in relation to the carrying value of certain assets
within the Group's Globalstar service provider businesses, exceptional
reorganisation costs of £85m relating to the restructuring of the
Group's operations in Germany and the US, and £141m in relation to the
Group's share of the restructuring costs incurred by Verizon Wireless.
3 Exceptional non-operating items
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2001 2000
£m £m
Profit on termination of hedging
instrument 261 -
Impairment of fixed asset investments (193) -
Profit on disposal of fixed assets 6 -
Profit on disposal of fixed
asset investments 6 954
-------- --------
80 954
======== ========
The profit on termination of the hedging instrument arose in March 2001
upon the settlement of a hedging transaction entered into by the Group
in order to obtain protection against an adverse market-related price
adjustment included in the original terms of the agreement for the sale
of Infostrada S.p.A. This hedging transaction was terminated with cash
proceeds to the Group of approximately Eur 410 million. The impairments
of fixed asset investments are in relation to the Group's interests in
Globalstar and Shinsegi Telecom, Inc.
4 Taxation
Year ended Year
31 March ended
2001 31 March
£m 2000
United Kingdom:
Current taxation 217 117
Deferred taxation (35) 11
-------- --------
182 128
-------- --------
Current taxation 793 691
Deferred taxation 280 (134)
Tax on exceptional non-operating items 35 -
-------- --------
1,108 557
-------- --------
1,290 685
======== ========
Parent and subsidiary undertakings 1,118 494
Share of joint ventures and
associated undertakings 172 191
-------- --------
1,290 685
======== ========
5 Equity dividends
The directors propose a final dividend of 0.714p per share for the year
ended 31 March 2001, making a total of 1.402p (2000 - 1.335p) for the
year. The record date for the final dividend is 8 June 2001 and the
dividend is payable on 10 August 2001.
Shareholders may take a scrip dividend alternative to the cash dividend
in accordance with the rules of Vodafone Group Plc's Scrip Dividend
Scheme. The ex-dividend date is 6 June 2001 and the last date for
elections or variations to mandates under the Scrip Dividend Scheme is
11 July 2001.
6 Earnings per share
Year ended Year
31 March ended
2001 31 March
£m 2000
(Loss)/earnings for basic (loss)/
earnings per share (9,763) 487
Amortisation of goodwill 11,882 1,712
Exceptional operating items, net
of attributable taxation 230 19
Exceptional non-operating items,
net of attributable taxation (45) (954)
Exceptional finance costs, net of
attributable taxation - 12
-------- --------
Earnings for adjusted earnings per share 2,304 1,276
======== ========
Weighted average number of shares
Basic and adjusted 61,439 27,100
7 Reconciliation of operating (loss)/profit to net cash inflow from
operating activities
Year ended Year
31 March ended
2001 31 March
£m 2000
Operating (loss)/profit before
exceptional items (6,263) 1,011
Depreciation 1,593 746
Amortisation of goodwill 9,585 674
Amortisation of other intangible
fixed assets 24 12
-------- --------
4,939 2,443
Payments in respect of exceptional items (84) (30)
Working capital movements (268) 97
-------- --------
4,587 2,510
======== ========
8 Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial investment
Year ended Year
31 March ended
2001 31 March
£m 2000
Purchase of intangible fixed assets (13,163) (185)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (3,698) (1,848)
Purchase of investments (3,254) (17)
Disposal of interests in tangible
fixed assets 275 294
Disposal of investments 513 991
Loans to joint ventures (85) -
Loans repaid by associated undertakings 5 9
Loans to acquired businesses held
for sale (1,509) -
Loans repaid by acquired businesses
held for sale 1,905 -
-------- --------
(19,011) (756)
======== ========
9 Net cash inflow/(outflow) for acquisitions and disposals
Year ended Year
31 March ended
2001 31 March
£m 2000
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (219) (4,062)
Net cash acquired with subsidiary
undertakings 542 4
Proceeds on formation of joint venture 2,544 -
Purchase of interests in associated
undertakings (79) (717)
Purchase of customer bases (15) (9)
Disposal of interests in joint ventures
and associated undertakings 1,878 28
Disposal of acquired businesses
held for sale 26,002 -
-------- --------
30,653 (4,756)
======== ========
10 Analysis of net debt
Acquisitions non-cash
At 1 (excluding changes & At 31
April Cash cash & exchange March
2000 flow overdrafts) movements 2001
£m £m £m £m £m
Liquid resources 30 7,541 - 22 7,593
------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Cash at bank
and in hand 159 (98) - 7 68
Bank overdrafts (43) 43 - (5) (5)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------
116 (55) - 2 63
------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Debt due within
one year
(other than
overdrafts) (751) 4,774 (7,186) (443) (3,606)
Debt due after
one year (6,038) 2,026 (6,540) (220) (10,772)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------
(6,789) 6,800 (13,726) (663) (14,378)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------
(6,643) 14,286 (13,726) (639) (6,722)
====== ====== ====== ====== ======
Included within net debt are bond issues maturing as follows:
One year or less 3,436
More than one year but not more than two years 622
More than two years but not more than five years 3,629
More than five years 5,801
11 Summary of differences between UK and US GAAP
The preliminary results have been prepared in accordance with UK
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ('UK GAAP'), which differ in
certain significant respects from US Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles ('US GAAP'). A description of the relevant accounting
principles which differ materially is provided within Vodafone Group
Plc's Annual Report & Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2001. The
effects of these differing accounting principles are as follows:
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2001 2000
£m £m
Revenues in accordance with UK GAAP 15,004 7,873
Items decreasing revenues:
Non-consolidated subsidiaries (3,409) -
Other (492) -
------- -------
Revenues in accordance with US GAAP 11,103 7,873
======= =======
Net (loss)/income in accordance
with UK GAAP (9,763) 487
Items (increasing)/decreasing
net loss:
Goodwill amortisation (5,293) (425)
Reorganisation costs 84 25
Capitalised interest 365 -
Income taxes 7,711 439
Minority interests (35) 35
Other (140) (8)
------- -------
Net (loss)/income in accordance
with US GAAP (7,071) 553
======= =======
US GAAP basic (loss)/earnings
per ordinary share (11.51)p 2.04p
Shareholders' equity in
accordance with UK GAAP 145,393 140,833
Items increasing/(decreasing)
shareholders' equity:
Goodwill - net of amortisation 66,067 10,283
Capitalised interest 365 -
Fixed asset investments - 9,054
Cumulative deferred income taxes (51,446) (12,334)
Proposed dividends 464 417
Minority interests (5,181) (1,939)
Other (140) 20
------- -------
Shareholders' equity in
accordance with US GAAP 155,522 146,334
======= =======
Total assets in accordance with UK GAAP 172,065 153,368
Items increasing/(decreasing)
total assets:
Goodwill - net of amortisation 66,067 10,283
Capitalised interest 365 -
Fixed asset investments - 9,054
Non-consolidated subsidiaries (2,982) -
Deferred tax asset 177 616
Other 1,275 26
------- -------
Total assets in accordance with US GAAP 236,967 173,347
======= =======
12 Pro forma proportionate financial information
The tables of unaudited pro forma financial information on page 33 are
presented on a proportionate basis. The basis of preparation of pro
forma financial information is given below. Proportionate presentation
is not required by UK GAAP and is not intended to replace the
consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with UK GAAP.
However, since significant entities in which the Group has an interest
are not consolidated, proportionate information is provided as
supplemental data to facilitate a more detailed understanding and
assessment of the consolidated financial statements prepared in
accordance with UK GAAP.
UK GAAP requires consolidation of entities controlled by the Group and
the equity method of accounting for entities in which the Group has
significant influence but not a controlling interest. Proportionate
presentation is a pro rata consolidation, which reflects the Group's
share of turnover and expenses in both its consolidated and
unconsolidated entities. Proportionate results are calculated by
multiplying the Group's ownership interest in each entity by each
entity's results.
Proportionate information includes results from the Group's equity
accounted investments and investments held at cost. The Group does not
have control over the turnover, expenses or cash flow of these
investments and is only entitled to cash from dividends received from
these entities. The Group does not own the underlying assets of these
Basis of preparation of unaudited pro forma financial information
Pro forma financial information for the year ended 31 March 2000 has
been derived from the audited consolidated financial statements of the
Group for the relevant period, the unaudited financial results of
AirTouch Communications, Inc. for the three month period ended 30 June
1999 and the unaudited financial results of Mannesmann AG for the year
ended 31 March 2000. The financial results of Mannesmann for the
relevant periods have been adjusted to exclude the results of businesses
held for resale on acquisition. The financial statements of AirTouch and
Mannesmann, previously prepared under US GAAP and German GAAP,
respectively, have been adjusted to conform materially with Vodafone
Group's accounting policies under UK GAAP.
The pro forma adjustments for the year ended 31 March 2000 have been
determined as if the merger with AirTouch Communications, Inc. and the
acquisition of Mannesmann AG took place on 1 April 1999.
Pro forma financial information for the year ended 31 March 2001 has
been derived from the Group's consolidated financial results for the
year and the unaudited financial results of Mannesmann AG, excluding the
results of businesses held for resale on acquisition, for the period
from 1 April 2000 to 12 April 2000.
Pro forma adjustments include assumptions made by Vodafone Group's
management that it believes to be reasonable. The unaudited pro forma
financial information does not take into account any synergies,
including cost savings, or any severance and restructuring costs, which
may or are expected to occur as a result of the merger with AirTouch or
the acquisition of Mannesmann, except insofar as such costs and savings
have been included in the financial statements of the Vodafone Group for
each of the periods presented.
Year ended Year ended
31 March 31 March
2001 2000
£m £m
Pro forma proportionate turnover
Mobile telecommunications:
Continental Europe 9,743 8,063
United Kingdom 3,458 2,945
United States 5,008 3,650
Asia Pacific 2,771 1,537
Middle East and Africa 448 395
-------- --------
21,428 16,590
Other operations 802 825
-------- --------
22,230 17,415
======== ========
Pro forma proportionate EBITDA*
Mobile telecommunications:
Continental Europe 3,534 2,906
United Kingdom 1,068 934
United States 1,627 1,145
Asia Pacific 587 377
Middle East and Africa 227 142
-------- --------
7,043 5,504
Other operations (27) 17
-------- --------
Pro forma proportionate EBITDA* 7,016 5,521
Less: depreciation and amortisation,
excluding goodwill (2,234) (1,715)
-------- --------
Mobile telecommunications 5,019 3,977
Other operations (237) (171)
Pro forma proportionate total
Group operating
profit before goodwill and
exceptional items 4,782 3,806
======== ========
* Proportionate EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation
and amortisation) is defined as operating profit before exceptional
items plus depreciation and amortisation of subsidiary undertakings,
joint ventures, associated undertakings and investments,
proportionate to equity stakes. Proportionate EBITDA represents the
Group's ownership interests in the respective entities' EBITDA. As
such, proportionate EBITDA does not represent EBITDA available to
the Group.
For further information contact:
Tim Brown, Group Corporate Affairs Director
Melissa Stimpson, Head of Group Investor Relations
Jon Earl, Investor Relations Manager
Darren Jones, Investor Relations Manager
Tel: +44 (0) 1635 673310
Lulu Bridges/Sarah Landgrebe
Tavistock Communications
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7600 2288