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Vodafone Group PLC 12 January 2001 Vodafone Group Plc (the 'Company') MANNESMANN COMPLETES TERMINATION ARRANGEMENTS FOR DR KLAUS ESSER The Company hereby announces that Dr Klaus Esser, former chairman of Mannesmann AG and a Non Executive Director of Vodafone Group Plc from 5 June 2000 to 30 September 2000, has now relinquished all of his remaining activities within Mannesmann with effect from 31 December 2000. Payments totalling DM29.4m(£9.1m) as agreed by the Mannesmann Supervisory Board prior to the acquisition by Vodafone have now been made to Dr Esser. The payments are a termination payment of DM25.5m (£7.9m) made on 23 June 2000 and a lifetime benefits final settlement payment of Euro 2m (£1.2m) on 11 January 2001 to Dr Esser who is aged 53. S R Scott Company Secretary
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