Statement re Vodafone UK

Vodafone Group PLC 26 March 2001 26 March 2001 VODAFONE UK REFOCUSES BUSINESS ON CUSTOMER RETENTION AND DEVELOPMENT Vodafone UK, a subsidiary of Vodafone Group Plc, today announces that from 1 May 2001, it will change the prepay terms for Distributors of its Pay as you Talk products and Service Providers of its Wholesale Prepaid products, reducing the subsidies and bonuses it currently pays. In addition, the company also announces the discontinuation of the sale of Vodafone 'All in One' mobile phone packages through its wholly owned service provider companies. The changes, representing the first details of Vodafone UK's modified commercial policies, follow last week's announcement by Chris Gent, Chief Executive of Vodafone Group Plc on the change in commercial policies, margin improvement and cash flow growth of Group companies, with the increasing focus on customer retention and development, rather than customer acquisition. Peter Bamford, Chief Executive of UK, Middle East and Africa Region, explained: 'These changes in Vodafone UK's commercial policies reflect the move of the UK market in to a phase of greater maturity and our recognition of the need to reduce the current levels of expenditure on customer acquisition. We aim to reward our distribution channel for quality customers, rather than the quantity of customers, thereby ensuring the increasing focus on customer retention and development across the business.' From 1 May 2001, Vodafone UK will reduce the network activation bonuses it pays to Service Providers of its Wholesale Prepaid products and Distributors of its Pay as you Talk products by £12. This is in addition to the £6 reduction in Pay as you Talk bonuses in place from 1 February 2001. As a result of this change, Vodafone UK expects the price on the high street of its Vodafone Pay as you Talk packages to be in the region of £70 for entry level products, although Distributors and Service Providers will themselves determine their own retail prices. Vodafone 'All in One' mobile phone packages, which include a phone together with connection to the network, a year's line rental and bundled monthly minutes were also principally introduced to further stimulate customer acquisition. From 1 May 2001 these packages will no longer be offered to new customers through Vodafone's in-house service provider companies and their distribution channels. - ends - For further information contact: Vodafone Group Investor Relations: Melissa Stimpson, Investor Relations Executive Jon Earl, Investor Relations Manager Telephone: +44 (0) 1635 33251 Tavistock Communications Lulu Bridges or John West Telephone: +44 (0) 207 600 2288
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