Stmt by RemunerationCommittee

Vodafone AirTouch PLC 12 July 2000 STATEMENT BY THE REMUNERATION COMMITTEE The Remuneration Committee of Vodafone AirTouch Plc ('the Company') wishes to clarify its position with regard to recent bonus awards to senior executives of the Company. Vodafone AirTouch Plc has been transformed from the leading UK mobile telecommunications company into the global leader in mobile telecommunications and one of the ten largest companies in the world by market capitalization. This global strategy, which has been executed in the last three years, including the acquisitions of AirTouch and Mannesmann, has been successfully implemented by the senior executives of the Company and has resulted in significant share price outperformance. It has been apparent for some time that the rewards for senior executives of the Company had been set below globally competitive levels, particularly in view of the outstanding performance of the Company and its executive management. As the Company's remuneration policy had not kept pace with the Company's global development, the Remuneration Committee agreed to commission a comprehensive review of remuneration policy in September 1999. This review, with the benefit of advice from leading independent consultants and other independent directors, determined that the Company should adopt a global market-related remuneration policy for a small number of senior executives. The Remuneration Committee totally supports the principle that senior executives should be rewarded for performance and accepts that the execution of a corporate transaction would not in itself constitute performance that should be rewarded. Lord MacLaurin, Chairman of Vodafone AirTouch Plc, said: 'In order to recognize the outstanding past performance of the Company under certain key executives, including the execution of the Company's global strategy, over a period when a global market- related remuneration policy was not in place, the Remuneration Committee, of which I was Chairman at that time, determined that it was appropriate to pay special bonuses to these key executives. Half of this remuneration has been paid in cash to reflect underpayment for past performance and half is to be paid in shares and linked to the achievement of significant EBITDA growth performance targets. Following the adoption of a global market-related remuneration policy no such bonuses will be paid in future.' For further information contact: Terry Barwick, Director of Corporate Affairs Tim Brown, Investor Relations Director Vodafone AirTouch Plc Telephone: +44 (0) 1635 33251 Lulu Bridges Tavistock Communications Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7600 2288
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