Tender Offer

Vodafone Group Plc 25 May 2004 Not for release, publication or distribution in or into the United States, Canada or Australia 25 May 2004 For immediate release VODAFONE GROUP ANNOUNCES OFFERS FOR OUTSTANDING SHARES IN ITS JAPANESE SUBSIDIARIES, VODAFONE HOLDINGS K.K. AND VODAFONE K.K., AND INTENTION OF VODAFONE HOLDINGS K.K. AND VODAFONE K.K TO MERGE Vodafone Group Plc ('Vodafone') announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Vodafone International Holdings B.V. ('Vodafone International'), is to launch offers for the shares which Vodafone and its subsidiaries ('Vodafone Group') do not already own in Vodafone Holdings K.K. (the 'Vodafone Holdings K.K. Offer') and in Vodafone K.K. (the 'Vodafone K.K. Offer') (collectively, the 'Offers'). Separately, Vodafone Holdings K.K. and Vodafone K.K. jointly announced today that their respective boards have agreed to merge the two companies (the 'Merger'). Vodafone expects the Offers to enhance its earnings per share from the first year (before exceptional items and before goodwill amortisation). The aggregate cost of the Offers (assuming 100% take-up) would be approximately Y513 billion (£2.6 billion), to be satisfied from Vodafone Group's existing cash resources. Vodafone expects there to be no changes to its current credit ratings arising from completion of the Offers and the Merger. Commenting on the Offers and the Merger, Arun Sarin, Chief Executive of Vodafone, said: 'The Offers to increase our shareholdings in both Vodafone Holdings K.K. and Vodafone K.K. are consistent with our stated strategy of increasing the Group's ownership in existing investments when the opportunity arises. The benefits of the transactions will be significant. Firstly, our increased investment will be accretive to Group earnings and, secondly, the simplified company structure resulting from the Merger should contribute towards greater operational and financial efficiencies. The Offers demonstrate our long-term commitment to the mobile market in Japan. We are determined to maintain and build a strong Japanese company which will continue to provide global standard products and services to our customers in Japan and play a major role as part of Vodafone's global operations.' The Vodafone Holdings K.K. Offer • The Vodafone Holdings K.K. Offer is to be conducted by way of a Tender Offer Bid ('TOB'), which is expected to be formally launched by Vodafone International on or around 8 June 2004 and will be open for 20 calendar days • The Vodafone Holdings K.K. Offer price will be Y300,000 in cash for each validly tendered Vodafone Holdings K.K. share. Assuming 100% take-up, the total consideration would be approximately Y319 billion (£1.6 billion) • The Vodafone Holdings K.K. Offer price represents a 20.0% premium to Vodafone Holdings K.K.'s average closing price (Y249,933) for the 3 months ended 24 May 2004 and a 24.5% premium to Vodafone Holdings K.K.'s closing price (Y241,000) on 24 May 2004 • Vodafone Group believes the Vodafone Holdings K.K. Offer is full and fair and has no intention to increase it • The Vodafone Holdings K.K. Offer is conditional on sufficient valid tenders being received to take Vodafone Group's ownership of Vodafone Holdings K.K. to 90% or above. Vodafone International reserves the right to waive this condition • From 26 May 2004 until the TOB launch date, Vodafone International intends to make market purchases in Japan at prices up to the Vodafone Holdings K.K. Offer price of Y300,000. Such purchases will cease on the date immediately preceding the TOB launch date • Following completion of the Vodafone Holdings K.K. Offer, Vodafone Holdings K.K.'s shares are expected to be delisted from the Tokyo Stock Exchange ('TSE') and the Osaka Securities Exchange in accordance with applicable regulations. Vodafone Group is also investigating the possibility of 'squeezing-out' any minority shareholders remaining at that time • The Vodafone Holdings K.K. board will seek an independent fairness opinion on the Vodafone Holdings K.K. Offer The Vodafone K.K. Offer • The Vodafone K.K. Offer price will be Y2,371,164 in cash for each validly tendered Vodafone K.K. share. Assuming 100% take-up, the total consideration would be approximately Y194 billion (£1.0 billion) • The Vodafone K.K. Offer price is equivalent to the implied value of the Vodafone K.K. shares based upon Vodafone Holdings K.K.'s average closing price for the 3 months ended 24 May 2004 • Details of the Vodafone K.K. Offer, including instructions on how to participate, will be posted to Vodafone K.K. shareholders shortly. The Vodafone K.K. Offer will remain open until 21 July 2004 The Merger • Vodafone Holdings K.K. intends to issue 7.5898 new shares for every Vodafone K.K. share it does not already own • Following the Merger, the former shareholders of Vodafone Holdings K.K. and Vodafone K.K. will own approximately 58.9% and 41.1% of the merged company, respectively • Vodafone Holdings K.K. will be the surviving entity and be renamed Vodafone K.K. after the Merger completes • The Merger is subject to shareholder and regulatory approvals • The AGM for Vodafone Holdings K.K. and an EGM for Vodafone K.K., at which resolutions will be proposed to approve the Merger, have been convened for 29 June 2004 and 22 July 2004, respectively. The Merger is expected to become effective on 1 October 2004 Delisting considerations • Under TSE rules, a listed company is automatically delisted after its top 10 shareholders own over 90% of its issued shares • Under TSE rules, a listed company is eventually delisted if its top 10 shareholders own over 80% of its issued shares and if this concentration is not reduced • These rules apply to Vodafone Holdings K.K. both before and after the Merger The Offers are neither conditional on each other, nor on the Merger. The Merger is not conditional on either of the Offers. However, Vodafone International reserves the right to withhold its approval of the Merger at the shareholders' meetings. UBS Investment Bank is acting as financial adviser to Vodafone and Vodafone International. -ends- For further information contact: UK Japan Vodafone Gavin Anderson Tim Brown (Group Corporate Affairs) Jim Weeks Melissa Stimpson (Investor Relations) Minako Hattori Darren Jones (Investor Relations) +81 (0) 3 5404 0640 Bobby Leach (Media Relations) Ben Padovan (Media Relations) Emma Conlon (Media Relations) +44 (0) 1635 673 310 Tavistock Communications UBS Investment Bank Lulu Bridges Steven Thomas John West Craig Chittick +44 (0) 20 7920 3150 +81 (0) 3 5208 6000 UBS Investment Bank Warren Finegold Mark Lewisohn Andre Sokol +44 (0) 20 7567 8000 Notes to Editors About Vodafone Vodafone is the world's leading mobile telecommunications company with operations in 26 countries across 5 continents, with 340 million venture customers and 133 million proportionate customers worldwide as at 31 March 2004. For more information, please visit www.vodafone.com About Vodafone International Vodafone International is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Vodafone, incorporated in the Netherlands. It acts as a holding company within the Vodafone Group and currently holds interests in Vodafone Holdings K.K. and Vodafone K.K., among others. About Vodafone Holdings K.K. Vodafone Holdings K.K. provides mobile services through its 45.08% interest in Vodafone K.K. Vodafone Holdings K.K. is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Securities Exchange. Vodafone Group holds a 66.70% voting and economic interest in Vodafone Holdings K.K. As at 31 March 2004, the Vodafone Holdings K.K. group had net assets of Y439 billion (£2.2 billion) and profit before tax and before exceptional items of Y209 billion (£1.0 billion). For more information, please visit www.vodafone-holdings.co.jp About Vodafone K.K. Vodafone K.K. is the third largest mobile operator in Japan with 15 million customers as at 31 March 2004. Vodafone Holdings K.K. has a 45.08% interest in Vodafone K.K. Separately from Vodafone Holdings K.K., Vodafone Group also has a 39.67% interest in Vodafone K.K. giving it a total economic interest in Vodafone K.K. of 69.74%. As at 31 March 2004, Vodafone K.K. had net assets of Y239 billion (£1.2 billion) and profit before tax and before exceptional items of Y195 billion (£1.0 billion). For more information, please visit www.vodafone.jp Vodafone Holdings K.K. and Vodafone K.K. ownership structures Vodafone Holdings K.K. ownership (notes 1 & 2) % owned Vodafone Group 66.70 Public minorities 33.30 Notes: (figures as of 31 March 2004) 1 Vodafone Holdings K.K. also owns 6 minor subsidiaries and affiliates which, other than their total net cash balances, are not considered to be material 2 Vodafone Holdings K.K. had net cash and other assets of Y226 billion (£1.1 billion), on a non-consolidated basis, including net current assets less long-term borrowings, investments in securities (including Y32.5 billion (£163 million) of preferred shares representing an economic interest in Japan Telecom Co., Ltd.) and Vodafone Holdings K.K.'s share of net cash and loans in its subsidiaries and affiliates excluding Vodafone K.K. Vodafone K.K. ownership (notes 1 & 2) % owned Vodafone Holdings K.K. 45.08 Vodafone Group 39.67 Private minorities 15.25 Notes: (figures as of 31 March 2004) 1 Vodafone Group Plc has an economic interest of 69.74% in Vodafone K.K. 2 Vodafone K.K. had net debt of Y781 billion (£3.9 billion) Exchange rates For illustrative purposes, an exchange rate of Y200:£1 has been used. Important information This press release does not constitute, or form part of, any offer or invitation to sell, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase any securities in any jurisdiction, nor shall it (or any part of it) or the fact of its distribution form the basis of or be relied on in connection with, any contract therefor. The Offers will not be made, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States, Canada or Australia, or by use of the mails, or by any means or instrumentality (including, without limitation, facsimile transmission, telephone and the internet) of interstate or foreign commerce, or of any facility of a national securities exchange, of the United States, Canada or Australia and the Offers will not be capable of acceptance by any such use, means, instrumentality or facility or from within the United States, Canada or Australia. Copies of this press release and any future related materials are not being and may not be mailed or otherwise distributed or sent in or into the United States, Canada or Australia. The Offers will furthermore not be directed to persons whose participation in the offer requires that further offer documents are issued or that registration or other measures are taken, other than those required under Japanese law. No document relating to the Offers may be distributed in or into any country where such distribution or offer requires any of the aforementioned measures to be taken or would be in conflict with any law or regulation of such a country. This announcement is not an offer of securities for sale into the United States, Canada, Australia or any other jurisdiction. Vodafone Holdings K.K. shares may not be offered or sold in the United States unless they are registered or exempt from registration. There will be no public offer of securities in the United States. This announcement has been issued by Vodafone Group Plc and is the sole responsibility of Vodafone Group Plc and has been approved solely for the purposes of Section 21 of the United Kingdom Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 by UBS Investment Bank. UBS Investment Bank is acting for Vodafone and Vodafone International and no one else and will not be responsible to anyone other than Vodafone and Vodafone International for providing the protections offered to clients of UBS Investment Bank or for providing advice in relation to the Offers or in relation to the contents of this announcement or any transaction or arrangement referred to herein. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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