11 May 2018
Vodafone today announces that Michel Demaré has been appointed as member of the Remuneration Committee of the Vodafone Group Plc Board, effective from the date of the Group's Annual General Meeting on 27 July 2018. He will succeed Dr Mathias Döpfner on the Committee, who has notified Vodafone of his intention to stand down as a Non-Executive Director of the Company on that date, as previously announced on 16 April 2018.
Further information
Vodafone Group
Media Relations
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Telephone: +44 (0) 7919 990 230
About Vodafone
Vodafone Group is one of the world's largest telecommunications companies and provides a range of services including voice, messaging, data and fixed communications. Vodafone Group has mobile operations in 26 countries, partners with mobile networks in 48 more, and fixed broadband operations in 19 markets. As of 31 December 2017, Vodafone Group had 529.1 million mobile customers and 19.3 million fixed broadband customers, including India and all of the customers in Vodafone's joint ventures and associates. For more information, please visit www.vodafone.com