Changes in Wärtsilä's ownership due to combinat...

Wärtsilä Corporation Major shareholder announcements 20.3.2008 at 11.30 a.m. local time Wärtsilä's Annual General Meeting decided on 19 March 2008 that the Company's A and B share series be combined. The combination of the share series involves a directed free share issue for holders of Series A-shares. Following the combination, the Company will have only a single class of shares with equal rights, carrying one vote each. The combination of the shares and the directed share issue will affect Wärtsilä's ownership structure when the combined and new shares have been registered in the trade register on 26 March 2008. Wärtsilä has been informed of the following changes in ownership that will come to effect when the combined and new shares have been registered in the trade register: The Fiskars Group's share of Wärtsilä Corporation's votes will decrease to less than 1/5 (20%). Following the transaction Fiskars Corporation's holding of Wärtsilä's shares and votes will be 901,857 or 0.9% of Wärtsilä's share capital and total votes and Avlis AB's holding of Wärtsilä's shares and votes will be 15,944,444 or 16.2% of Wärtsilä's share capital and total votes. The Fiskars Group's total holding of Wärtsilä shares and votes will be 16,846,301 or 17.1% of Wärtsilä Corporation's share capital and total votes. Varma Mutual Pension Insurance's share of Wärtsilä Corporation's shares will increase to more than 1/20 (5%) and the share of the votes will decrease to less than 1/10 (10%). Following the transaction Varma's holding of Wärtsilä shares and votes will be 5,130,087 or 5.2% of Wärtsilä's share capital and total votes. Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland r.f's share of Wärtsilä Corporation's votes will decrease to less than 1/20 (5%). Following the transaction Svenska Litteratursällskapet's holding of Wärtsilä shares and votes will be 1,735,506 or 1.76% of Wärtsilä's share capital and total votes. Wärtsilä Corporation
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