Interim Results
Smith WH PLC
21 April 2005
21 April 2005
• Profit before tax: £61m (2004: £72m loss)
• Profit before tax, goodwill amortisation and exceptional items on
continuing operations, up 32% to £70m (2004: £53m)
- High Street Retail up 31% to £55m
- Travel Retail up 22% to £11m
- News Distribution up 12% to £19m
• Total sales of continuing operations flat at £1.4bn
- High Street like-for-like (LFL) sales down 3%
- Travel LFL sales up 4%
- News Distribution LFL sales up 2%
• Cost savings of £13m delivered faster than planned; on track to deliver
3-year cost savings of £30m as previously announced
• Returned £205m to shareholders following the completion of the sale of
Hodder Headline for £224m*
• Exceptional impairment charge of £8m in respect of the disposal of
discontinued businesses
• Earnings per share of 23.5p (2004: 34.4p loss per share). Earnings per
share before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation up 58% to 28.4p
(2004: 18.0p).
• Interim dividend of 4.5p (2004: 4.0p)
(* £210m in cash and assumption of the Hodder Headline net pension deficit of
Commenting on the results, Kate Swann, Group Chief Executive said:
'We have improved profits substantially across the Group in the first half and
whilst it is early days and much remains to be done, we are on track in the
delivery of our recovery plan.
'In High Street Retail we have improved the business's profitability by being
more efficient, increasing product choice, improving availability and store
standards. Customer response to these changes has been positive.
'Travel Retail delivered strong sales and profit growth and News Distribution
has made steady progress in the first half.
'Trading conditions are tough; however, we remain confident in the outcome for
the full year.'
- Ends -
WH Smith PLC
Louise Evans Media Relations 020 7851 8850
Mark Boyle Investor Relations 020 7851 8820
Tom Buchanan 020 7404 5959
Pam Small
In the seven weeks to 16 April 2005, Retail LFL sales were flat and gross margin
was up on last year. News Distribution sales were down 1%.
Operating profit after exceptional operating items and goodwill amortisation was
£72m (2004: £9m loss). Profit before tax after all exceptional items and
goodwill amortisation was £61m (2004: £72m loss).
Operating profit before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation on
continuing operations increased 33% to £73m (2004: £55m). After including the
pension interest charge of £2m (2004: £2m) and other interest payable of £1m
(2004: £nil), pre-tax profit before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation
from continuing operations was £70m (2004: £53m).
An amount of £8m has been charged to the profit and loss account relating to
discontinued businesses. Of this amount, £7m relates to an impairment review of
the loan notes received as deferred consideration in respect of the disposal of
the Group's US businesses. The balance relates to closure and exit costs.
Adjusted earnings per share were 28.4p, up 58% compared to last year (2004:
18.0p). Earnings per share after exceptional items and goodwill amortisation
were 23.5p (2004: 34.4p loss per share).
Given the improvement in the Group's trading position, the Board has declared an
interim dividend of 4.5p per share (2004: 4.0p per share).
The reduction in net assets to £66m (2004: £359m) mainly reflects the loss on
disposal of the Hodder Headline business and the return of cash to shareholders.
The balance sheet remains sound with net funds amounting to £2m (2004: £28m).
Free cash inflow amounted to £51m compared to an outflow of £2m in the prior
year, primarily reflecting the poor profit performance last year.
NB: All divisional profit and loss figures in this section are stated before
pension service costs, exceptional items and goodwill amortisation, interest and
taxation. High Street Retail numbers incorporate the results of WHSmith Online,
which has been integrated.
Retail sales were down 2% at £816m (2004: £834m). Gross margin rose 240 basis
points to 40.1% (2004: 37.7%). Retail divisional profits were up 29% to £66m
(2004: £51m).
Books sales were down 3%, as we avoided last year's unprofitable promotions, and
compensated for by a strong improvement in gross margin. Stationery sales were
up by 4%, with gross margin up. News and Express sales were flat, with gross
margin also up. Entertainment sales were down 12% on last year, with increased
price pressure across all categories. The improvements in gross margin more than
compensated for the decline in sales volumes, with gross contribution increasing
by £12m to £327m.
Cost inflation, including store occupancy costs, was approximately 4% in the
period. This was more than offset by cost savings across all aspects of the
business. Total costs were £3m lower than last year and divisional profit
increased by £15m.
High Street Retail sales were down 3% at £670m (2004: £692m) and down 3% on a
like for like basis, adjusting for selling space. Travel Retail sales grew by 3%
to £146m (2004: £142m), up 4% on a like for like basis. High Street Retail
divisional profits increased to £55m (2004: £42m). Travel Retail achieved
divisional profits of £11m (2004: £9m).
Retail selling space is 3.3m square feet, broadly in line with last year. In the
first half of this year, the business has opened one new store and closed seven
stores across the UK.
News Distribution achieved divisional profits of £19m (2004: £17m), with total
sales of £599m (2004: £587m). Like for like newspaper sales were up 2% and total
magazine sales were also up 2%. Divisional profits grew by £2m, through
well-controlled costs and further efficiencies from network changes.
The OFT has announced its provisional conclusions on newspaper and magazine
distribution arrangements. We will be playing a full part in the upcoming
consultation process. There is a wide range of possible outcomes and we are
preparing for any changes that may result.
WH Smith PLC
Group Profit and Loss Account
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
6 months to 28 Feb 2005 6 months to 29 Feb 2004 12 months to 31
Aug 2004
£m Note Before Exceptional Total Before Exceptional Total Total
exceptional items & exceptional items &
items & goodwill items & goodwill
goodwill amortisation goodwill amortisation
amortisation amortisation
operations 1,359 - 1,359 1,365 - 1,365 2,520
operations 11 - 11 215 - 215 314
Group turnover 2 1,370 - 1,370 1,580 - 1,580 2,834
Operating profit
/ (loss)
operations 2,3 73 (1) 72 55 (67) (12) (42)
operations 2,3 - - - 12 (9) 3 11
Group operating
profit /(loss) 73 (1) 72 67 (76) (9) (31)
Net loss on
sale of
operations 4 - (8) (8) - (61) (61) (101)
Profit on sale
of fixed
assets -
operations - - - - - - 2
Profit /
(loss) on
before net
charges 73 (9) 64 67 (137) (70) (130)
Net financing
charges (3) - (3) (2) - (2) (5)
Profit /
(loss) on
taxation 70 (9) 61 65 (137) (72) (135)
Tax on profit
/ (loss) on
activities 6 (18) - (18) (21) 9 (12) (13)
Profit /
(loss) on
after taxation 52 (9) 43 44 (128) (84) (148)
Dividends 7 (150) - (150) (10) - (10) (24)
(losses) /
earnings (98) (9) (107) 34 (128) (94) (172)
Basic and
diluted earnings /
(loss) per
share 8 23.5p (34.4)p (60.7)p
earnings per
share 8 28.4p 18.0p 18.0p
dividends per
share 7 4.5p 4.0p 12.0p
Fixed charges
cover - times 9 1.7x 1.5x 1.3x
dividend cover
- times 5.2x - -
dividend cover
items and
amortisation -
times 6.3x 4.5x 1.5x
WH Smith PLC
Group Balance Sheet
As at 28 February 2005
At At At
£m Note 28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Fixed assets
Intangible assets - goodwill 10 14 220 164
Tangible fixed assets 219 249 237
Investments - 1 -
Total fixed assets 233 470 401
Current assets
Stocks 181 223 184
Debtors due within one year 122 183 187
Debtors due after more than
one year 18 15 25
Current asset investment 5,11 60 - -
Cash at bank and in hand 11 35 54 64
416 475 460
Creditors due within one year
Debt 11 (26) (24) (17)
Other creditors (356) (396) (397)
(382) (420) (414)
Net current assets 34 55 46
Total assets less current
liabilities 267 525 447
Creditors due after more than
one year
Debt 11 (67) (2) (2)
Other creditors (2) - (2)
(69) (2) (4)
Provisions for liabilities
and charges (31) (26) (38)
Net assets excluding pension
liabilities 167 497 405
Net pension liabilities 5 (101) (138) (149)
Total net assets 66 359 256
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 13 4 139 139
Share premium account 14 15 93 93
Capital redemption reserve 14 218 156 156
Revaluation reserve 14 3 4 3
Other reserve 14 (34) (27) (27)
Profit and loss account 14 (293) (9) (110)
Equity shareholders'
(liabilities) / funds (87) 356 254
Non equity share capital 13 153 2 2
Shareholders' funds 66 358 256
Minority interests - 1 -
Total capital employed 66 359 256
WH Smith PLC
Group Cash Flow Statement
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
6 months to 12 months to
£m Note 28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Net cash (outflow) /
inflow from operating
activities before
exceptional operating
items 12 (58) 29 61
Net cash outflow from
exceptional operating
items 12 (8) (1) (13)
Net cash (outflow) /
inflow from operating
activities 12 (66) 28 48
Returns on investment and
servicing of finance
Interest received 3 1 1
Interest paid (3) (1) (1)
Net charge on pension
schemes (2) (2) (4)
Net cash outflow from
returns on investment and
servicing of finance (2) (2) (4)
Taxation (3) (17) (10)
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed
assets (10) (24) (49)
Proceeds on disposal of
tangible fixed assets - - 5
Cash outflow from capital
expenditure and financial
investment (10) (24) (44)
Acquisitions and disposals
Proceeds on disposal of
subsidiary undertakings 215 20 64
Proceeds on disposal of
associated undertakings - 1 1
Non-operating disposal
costs (9) (12) (23)
Net cash in subsidiaries
disposed - - (11)
Cash inflow from
acquisitions and disposals 206 9 31
Equity dividends paid (14) (32) (42)
Cash inflow / (outflow)
before financing 111 (38) (21)
Purchase of own shares for
employee share schemes (12) - -
Money returned to ESOP
Trust after share capital
reorganisation 5 - -
Non equity dividend (143) - -
Repurchase of 'C' shares (62) - -
Increase / (decrease) in
debt (net of finance
costs) 72 4 (3)
Cash (outflow) / inflow
from financing (140) 4 (3)
Decrease in cash (29) (34) (24)
Reconciliation of net cash
flow to movements in net
6 months to 12 months to
£m 28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Net funds at the start of the
period 45 68 68
Decrease in cash in the period (29) (34) (24)
Increase in current asset
investment (See Note 5) 60 - -
(Increase) / decrease in debt (74) (4) 3
Currency translation - (2) (2)
Net funds at the end of the
period 2 28 45
WH Smith PLC
Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
6 months to 12 months to
£m 28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Profit / (loss) for the
financial period 43 (84) (148)
Actuarial (loss) / gain relating
to the pension schemes (19) 14 (15)
UK deferred tax attributable to
pension scheme liabilities (14) (7) (3)
UK current tax attributable to
the additional pension schemes
contributions 18 3 7
Currency translation differences (1) (4) (7)
Total recognised gains / (losses)
for the period 27 (78) (166)
Group Note of Historical Cost Profits and Losses
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
6 months to 12 months to
£m 28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Reported profit / (loss) on
ordinary activities before
taxation 61 (72) (135)
Realisation of property
revaluation gains of the previous
year - - 1
Historical cost profit / (loss)
on ordinary activities before
taxation 61 (72) (134)
Historical cost loss for the year
retained after taxation, minority
interests and dividends (107) (94) (171)
Reconciliation of Movements in Group Shareholders' Funds
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
6 months to 12 months to
£m 28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Shareholders' funds at beginning
of period 256 407 407
Retained losses (107) (94) (172)
Repurchase of non-equity share
capital (62) - -
Purchase of own shares for
employee share scheme (12) - -
Money returned to ESOP Trust
after share capital
reorganisation 5 - -
Employee share schemes 2 - -
Goodwill previously written off
directly to reserves now
transferred to profit and loss
account for the period - 39 39
Net gains and losses relating to
pension schemes (15) 10 (11)
Currency translation differences (1) (4) (7)
Net reduction to shareholders'
funds (190) (49) (151)
Shareholders' funds at end of
period 66 358 256
WH Smith PLC
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
1 Basis of preparation
The interim announcement for the 6 months to 28 February 2005 has been prepared
on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's Annual Report
and Financial Statements for the 12 months to 31 August 2004. The financial
information contained in this interim announcement does not constitute statutory
accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial
information for the full preceding year is based on the statutory accounts for
the financial year ended 31 August 2004. These statutory accounts have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on these accounts
was unqualified and did not include a statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of
the Companies Act 1985.
Adoption of International Financial Accounting Standards ('IFRS')
International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') will first apply to the
Group for the financial year ended 31 August 2006 with Interim Results to 28
February 2006 also being presented under IFRS. The 2005 results will be restated
accordingly. The Group's preparation for the transition to IFRS is continuing in
line with the project timetable. The key areas of impact include the accounting
for employee benefits and share based payments, certain aspects of property
lease accounting, the tax impact of all of the above and the overall
presentation of the financial statements. This is not intended to be a complete
list of areas. Further differences may arise as a result of the continued
detailed assessment and interpretations of IFRS and any pronouncements issued by
the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
2 Segmental analysis of results
a) Segmental analysis of Group turnover
6 months to 12 months to
£m 28 Feb 2005 29 Feb2004 31 Aug 2004
Continuing operations:
High Street Retail 670 692 1,152
Travel Retail 146 142 301
Total 816 834 1,453
News Distribution
Total turnover 599 587 1,182
Internal turnover (56) (56) (115)
Total 543 531 1,067
Turnover - continuing operations 1,359 1,365 2,520
Discontinued operations:
USA Travel Retail - 49 49
Aspac Retail - 97 132
Total - 146 181
Publishing Business
Total turnover 14 81 155
Internal turnover (3) (12) (22)
Total 11 69 133
Turnover - discontinued operations 11 215 314
Group turnover 1,370 1,580 2,834
WH Smith PLC
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
2 Segmental analysis of results continued
b) Segmental analysis of Group operating profit / (loss)
6 months to 28 Feb 2005 6 months to 29 Feb 2004 12 months to
31 Aug 2004
£m Before goodwill Goodwill Total Before Exceptional Total Total
amortisation amortisation exceptional items &
items & goodwill
goodwill amortisation
High Street
Retail 55 (1) 54 42 (62) (20) (54)
Travel Retail 11 - 11 9 (5) 4 16
Total 66 (1) 65 51 (67) (16) (38)
Distribution 19 - 19 17 - 17 35
Trading profit 85 (1) 84 68 (67) 1 (3)
functions (8) - (8) (7) - (7) (26)
service costs
(note a) (5) - (5) (7) - (7) (14)
Internal rents
(note b) 1 - 1 1 - 1 1
profit /
(loss) -
operations 73 (1) 72 55 (67) (12) (42)
USA Travel
Retail - - - (5) - (5) (5)
Aspac Retail - - - 7 - 7 6
Total - - - 2 - 2 1
Business - - - 11 (9) 2 11
service costs
(note a) - - - (1) - (1) (1)
profit /
(loss) -
operations - - - 12 (9) 3 11
profit /
(loss) 73 (1) 72 67 (76) (9) (31)
a) The annual pension service costs are attributable to the businesses based on
pensionable salaries as follows: High Street Retail £2.8m (2004: £4.0m),
Travel Retail £0.4m (2004: £0.6m), Publishing £nil (2004: £0.6m), News
Distribution £1.2m (2004: £1.7m) and Support functions £0.4m (2004: £0.6m).
b) The results for Retailing are reported after an internal arm's length market
rent on freehold and long leasehold properties owned and occupied by the
Group. The internal income generated of £1m (2004: £1m) is shown as a
separate credit to the profit and loss account and a debit against the
respective businesses, giving a nil net effect to the overall Group operating
profit before exceptional operating items and goodwill amortisation.
WH Smith PLC
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
2 Segmental analysis of results continued
c) Geographical split
Turnover Profit / (loss) before taxation
6 months to 12 months to 6 months to 12 months to
£m 28 Feb 29 Feb 31 Aug 2004 28 Feb 29 Feb 31 Aug 2004
2005 2004 2005 2004
items and
amortisation -
UK / Europe 1,359 1,365 2,520 70 53 46
items and
amortisation (1) (67) (91)
operations -
UK / Europe 1,359 1,365 2,520 69 (14) (45)
exceptional items
and goodwill
UK / Europe 9 57 110 - 9 16
USA - 49 49 - (5) (5)
Asia / Pacific 2 109 155 - 8 10
11 215 314 - 12 21
items and
goodwill (8) (70) (111)
operations 11 215 314 (8) (58) (90)
Total Group 1,370 1,580 2,834 61 (72) (135)
Turnover is disclosed by origin. There is no material difference in turnover by
d) Analysis of retailing stores and selling space
Number of stores
1 Sept 2004 Opened Closed 28 Feb 2005
High Street Retail 544 - (2) 542
Travel Retail 129 1 (5) 125
Total Retailing Businesses 673 1 (7) 667
Retail selling square feet (000's)
1 Sept 2004 Opened Closed 28 Feb 2005
High Street Retail 3,056 - (7) 3,049
Travel Retail 214 2 (6) 210
Total Retailing Businesses 3,270 2 (13) 3,259
WH Smith PLC
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
3 Exceptional operating items
No exceptional operating charges have been made in the six months to 28 February
In the prior year the following exceptional operating charges were made:
a) An exceptional operating charge of £66m was made relating to UK Retailing. Of
this amount, £45m related to the write-down in the carrying value of stock to
reflect redundant and slow moving items, and £17m related to fixed asset
impairment charges in respect of costs of research work on our concept store,
systems development for Travel Retail and to an impairment charge covering
goodwill and assets in relation to WHSmith Online. A further £4m was written off
relating to other items. These charges are included within continuing operations.
b) A £9m exceptional provision was made in the Publishing Business relating to
unearned author advances, which is included within discontinued operations.
4 Net loss on sale of discontinued operations
a) Provisions for discontinued businesses
An amount of £8m has been charged to the profit and loss account for the six
months to 28 February 2005 relating to the disposal of discontinued businesses.
Of this amount, £7m relates to an impairment review of the loan notes received
as deferred consideration in respect of the disposal of the Group's USA
businesses. The balance relates to closure and exit provisions.
b) Publishing Business disposal
On 25 September 2004, the Group completed the disposal of its Publishing
Business, Hodder Headline Limited. A financial summary of the disposal is shown
£m Total
Fixed assets 156
Stock 17
Debtors 80
Creditors (30)
Net pension liabilities (14)
Net assets disposed 209
Cash consideration 210
Cash received in respect of working capital adjustments 5
Net assets disposed (209)
Transaction costs and other charges (6)
Net result on sale of the Publishing Business recognised in the period -
ended 28 February 2005
The Group incurred a £5m cash outflow in respect of transaction costs and other
charges relating to the Publishing Business disposal.
In the period to 29 February 2004 the following exceptional non-operating
charges were made:
a) The Group disposed of its USA Travel Retail business for a total
consideration of £39m. A loss of £61m was incurred on the sale of this business.
b) The Group disposed of its investment in Books and More NZ Limited, University
Bookshop (Otago) Ltd and University Bookshop Canterbury Limited for a total
consideration of £1.3m, generating a profit of £0.3m on disposal.
WH Smith PLC
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
5 Pensions arrangements
The Group's pension arrangements for employees are operated through a defined
benefit scheme (the WHSmith Pension Trust) and a defined contribution scheme,
WHSmith Pension Builder. The most significant scheme remaining in the Group is
the defined benefit WHSmith Pension Trust. The assets of the pension plans are
held in separate funds administered by Trustees, which are independent of the
Group's finances. The Trustees have extensive powers over the plan's
arrangements, including the ability to determine the levels of contribution.
The market value of the assets in the schemes and the present value of the
liabilities in the schemes were:
£m At At At
28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Total market value of assets 759 672 678
Present value of scheme liabilities (896) (862) (883)
Deficit in the scheme (137) (190) (205)
Related deferred tax asset 41 57 61
Net defined benefit scheme
liabilities (96) (133) (144)
Net retirement medical benefit
liabilities (5) (5) (5)
Net pension liabilities (101) (138) (149)
Under FRS 17 ('Retirement Benefits'), there is only a requirement to revalue
scheme assets and liabilities at the financial year end. However, the scheme
assets have been valued at market value as at 28 February 2005. The last formal
valuation of scheme liabilities was at 31 August 2004. The financial assumptions
used in the calculation of the liability as at 31 August 2004 have been applied
in the calculation of the actuarial value of the liability in these interim
accounts, with the exception of the discount rate. The discount rate used has
been reduced from 5.6% in August 2004 to 5.25% in February 2005, and this
decrease resulted from a fall in bond yields over this period.
The WHSmith Pension Trust scheme was closed to new entrants in September 1995
and under the projected unit method the current service cost would be expected
to increase as members approach retirement.
Movement in scheme deficit during the period
6 months to 12 months to
£m 28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
At beginning of period (205) (215) (215)
Current service cost (5) (8) (15)
Contributions 71 22 44
Interest cost (2) (2) (4)
Settlement / loss on curtailment 3 (1) -
Disposal of subsidiary pension fund 20 - -
Actuarial (loss) / gain (19) 14 (15)
Deficit in scheme at end of period (137) (190) (205)
On 25 September 2004, the Group completed the disposal of its Publishing
Business. The gross and net deficit of the pension fund were £20m and £14m
In July 2004, the Group announced that following the disposal of the Publishing
Business, it would make additional contributions totalling £120m to the WHSmith
Pension Trust. These have been made through monthly instalments. As at 28
February 2005, the Group had made additional contributions totalling £60m. The
remaining £60m has been paid into an Escrow bank account, which will be released
to the WHSmith Pension Trust by 31 August 2005. The Escrow bank account balance
has been shown as a current asset investment in the Group's balance sheet.
WH Smith PLC
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
6 Taxation
6 months to 12 months to
£m 28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Tax on profit before exceptional
items and goodwill amortisation 19 21 20
- Standard rate of UK corporation tax
30% (2004: 30%)
Adjustment in respect of prior
year UK corporation tax - - (3)
Foreign tax - 2 3
Total current tax charge before
exceptional items and goodwill
amortisation 19 23 20
Deferred tax - current year (1) - -
Deferred tax - prior year - (2) 3
Tax on profit on ordinary
activities before exceptional
items and goodwill amortisation 18 21 23
Tax on exceptional items and
goodwill amortisation - (9) (10)
Tax on profit on ordinary
activities after exceptional
items and goodwill amortisation 18 12 13
Effective tax rate before
exceptional items and goodwill
amortisation - continuing
operations 25% 30% 30%
7 Dividends
6 months to 12 months to
28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Equity dividends
Interim 4.5p 4.0p 4.0p
Final 8.0p
Non equity dividends
'C' share dividend paid on
capital reorganisation (see Note
13) 85.0p - -
Total 89.5p 4.0p 12.0p
Equity dividends
Interim 7 10 10
Final 14
Non equity dividends
'C' share dividend paid on
capital reorganisation (see Note 13) 143 - -
150 10 24
The interim dividend will be paid on 23 June 2005 to shareholders registered at
the close of business on 27 May 2005. As at 28 February 2005 the Company had
180,522,752 ordinary shares in issue.
On 27 October 2004, the Group paid a 'C' share dividend of £142,533,945in
respect of 167,686,994 'C' shares in issue. All such 'C' shares were
subsequently converted to Deferred shares. The Group paid a dividend in respect
of all those 'C' shares not repurchased or converted to deferred shares at a
rate of 75% of LIBOR, totalling £104,441 on 28 February 2005. In addition, the
Group paid dividends on the 'B' shares of £44,914 on 28 February 2005.
WH Smith PLC
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
8 Earnings / (loss) per share
a) Basic and diluted earnings / (loss) per share
6 months to 12 months to
£m 28 Feb 29 Feb 31 Aug
2005 2004 2004
Continuing operations:
Profit / (loss) attributable
to shareholders 51 (22) (50)
Exceptional items net of
related tax impact - 58 81
Goodwill amortisation 1 1 1
Adjusted earnings
attributable to shareholders
- continuing operations 52 37 32
Discontinued operations:
Loss attributable to
shareholders (8) (62) (98)
Exceptional items net of
related tax impact 8 69 109
Goodwill amortisation - - 1
Adjusted earnings
attributable to shareholders
- discontinued operations - 7 12
Total adjusted earnings
attributable to shareholders 52 44 44
Adjusted earnings per share is based on profits / (losses) attributable to
shareholders before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items and is presented
to show a clearer representation of the results of the business going forward.
6 months to 12 months to
28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Continuing operations:
Basic and diluted earnings /
(loss) per share 27.9p (9.0)p (20.5)p
Exceptional items net of related
taxation - 23.8p 33.2p
Goodwill amortisation 0.5p 0.4p 0.4p
Adjusted earnings per share -
continuing operations 28.4p 15.2p 13.1p
Discontinued operations:
Basic and diluted loss per share (4.4)p (25.4)p (40.2)p
Exceptional items net of related
taxation 4.4p 28.2p 44.7p
Goodwill amortisation - - 0.4p
Adjusted earnings per share -
discontinued operations - 2.8p 4.9p
Total basic and diluted earnings
/ (loss) per share 23.5p (34.4)p (60.7)p
Total adjusted earnings per share 28.4p 18.0p 18.0p
In accordance with FRS 14 'Earnings per share', as the average share option
price was higher than the fair market value of all shares in the current period,
earnings per share was not diluted by shares under option. In the prior year, as
the Group recorded a loss from continuing operations, the diluted loss per share
was the same as the basic, as any potential dilutive shares reduce the loss per
share for continuing operations.
WH Smith PLC
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
8 Earnings / (loss) per share continued
b) Weighted average share capital
6 months to 12 months to
£m 28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Weighted average shares in issue
for earnings per share 183 244 244
Add dilutive weighted average number of - - -
ordinary shares under option
Weighted average ordinary shares
for fully diluted earnings per
share 183 244 244
The weighted number of ordinary shares in issue is stated after excluding
8,961,515 (2004: 6,682,660) shares held solely for the purpose of satisfying
obligations under employee share schemes.
9 Fixed charges cover
6 months to 12 months to
£m 28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Interest expense 3 2 5
Operating lease rentals 76 91 184
Property taxes 18 18 37
Other property costs 6 16 15
Total fixed charges 103 127 241
Profit before tax, exceptional
items and goodwill amortisation 70 65 67
Profit before tax, exceptional
items, goodwill amortisation and
fixed charges 173 192 308
Fixed charges cover 1.7x 1.5x 1.3x
Fixed charges cover is calculated by dividing profit before exceptional items,
goodwill amortisation, tax and fixed charges by total fixed charges.
WH Smith PLC
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
10 Goodwill
At 1 September 2004 226
Disposals (195)
At 28 February 2005 31
Accumulated Amortisation:
At 1 September 2004 62
Amortised in the period 1
Disposals (46)
At 28 February 2005 17
Net Book Value
At 28 February 2005 14
At 31 August 2004 164
The net book value of goodwill disposed of £149m relates to the disposal of the
Publishing Business, which was completed on 25 September 2004.
11 Financial assets and liabilities
£m At At At
28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Current asset investment (See Note
5) 60 - -
Cash at bank and in hand (note a) 35 54 64
Repayable within one year or on
demand (26) (24) (17)
Repayable after more than one year
but within two years (30) - -
Repayable after more than two years
but within five years (35) - -
Repayable in more than five years (2) (2) (2)
Net funds 2 28 45
£m At Cash flow At
28 Feb 2005 31 Aug 2004
Cash at bank and in hand 35 (29) 64
- Debt (56) (39) (17)
- Sterling floating rate (note b & c) (37) (35) (2)
- Sterling fixed rate (note b & c)
Current asset investment (see Note 5) 60 60 -
Net funds 2 (43) 45
WH Smith PLC
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
11 Financial assets and liabilities continued
a) Cash at bank is primarily held on short-term deposit, bearing interest at a
weighted average of 4.71% for the period.
b) On 27 July 2004, the Group entered into new committed three-year syndicated
borrowing facilities comprising a £120m unsecured term loan facility (of which
£30m was cancelled on 20 September 2004) and a £150m working capital facility.
Both facilities were contingent on the successful disposal of the Publishing
Business and as such became available to the Group on 27 September 2004.
c) At 28 February 2005, floating rate debt constitutes (1) £30m of unsecured
term loan bearing an interest rate of three month LIBOR plus 175 basis points,
(2) £16m of unsecured loan notes (which are repayable at par on-demand up until
expiry on 28 February 2008) which bear an interest rate of 100 basis points
below six month LIBOR 2004 and (3) £10m of unsecured revolver drawdown bearing
an interest rate of daily LIBOR plus 175 basis points. Fixed rate debt
constitutes (1) £35m of unsecured term loan bearing an interest rate of 6.67%
and (2) £2m of undated 5.125% unsecured (redeemable at par) loan stock.
12 Reconciliation of operating profit / (loss) to net cash (outflow) / inflow
from operating activities
6 months to 12 months to
£m 28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Operating profit / (loss) 72 (9) (31)
Adjustment for pension funding
(note a) (124) (12) (25)
Operating exceptional items - 75 101
Depreciation of fixed assets 21 24 46
Amortisation of goodwill 1 1 2
Increase in stock (13) (29) (17)
(Increase) / decrease in
debtors (20) 7 (1)
Increase / (decrease) in
creditors 7 (28) (9)
Cash spend against provisions (2) - (5)
Net cash (outflow) / inflow
from operating activities
before exceptional operating
items (58) 29 61
Cash spend against exceptional
provisions - (1) -
Internal restructuring of UK
Retailing - - (11)
Corporate advisory costs (8) - (2)
Net cash outflow from
exceptional operating items (8) (1) (13)
Net cash (outflow) / inflow
from operating activities
after exceptional operating
items (66) 28 48
a) For the period ended 28 February 2005, £131m (2004: £22m) cash contributions
have been made to the pension schemes and an associated Escrow bank account. The
associated profit and loss charge comprises £5m (2004: £8m) for operating costs
and a £2m charge (2004: £2m) for financing. The Group has made total additional
contributions of £124m (2004: £12m) over and above the required profit and loss
charge. £120m of this amount relates to the additional contribution that the
Group announced it would make following the disposal of the Publishing Business,
of which £60m is held in an Escrow bank account as at 28 February 2005 that will
be paid to the defined benefit pension fund by monthly instalments over the next
six months (see Note 5).
WH Smith PLC
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
13 Share Capital
a) Authorised
£m At At At
28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
Ordinary shares of 2 13/ 81p each 50 - -
Ordinary shares of 55.55p each - 185 185
50 185 185
Non equity:
'B' shares of 53.75p each 153 153 153
'C' shares of 85p each 70 - -
Deferred shares of 85p each 143 - -
366 153 153
Total 416 338 338
b) Allotted and fully paid
£m At At At
28 Feb 2005 29 Feb 2004 31 Aug 2004
180m (2004: nil) Ordinary shares of
2 13/ 81p each 4 - -
Nil (2004: 251m) Ordinary shares of
55.55p each - 139 139
4 139 139
Non equity:
4m (2004: 4m) 'B' shares of 53.75p
each 2 2 2
10m (2004: nil) 'C' shares of 85p
each 8 - -
168m (2004: nil) Deferred shares of
85p each 143 - -
153 2 2
Total 157 141 141
c) Movement in share capital
Equity Non equity
£m Ordinary shares Ordinary shares 'B' shares of 'C' Shares of Deferred shares Total
of 2 13/81p of 55.55p each 53.75p each 85p each of 85p each
At 1 September
2004 - 139 2 - - 141
reorganisation 4 (139) - 213 - 78
Converted - - - (143) 143 -
Cancelled - - - (62) - (62)
At 28 February
2005 4 - 2 8 143 157
At 28 February 2005, the number of options held under employee share schemes was
16.0m (2004: 17.6m). The proceeds due to the Company upon exercise of these
options would be approximately £54m (2004: £64m).
The 'B' shares are redeemable at their nominal value at the shareholders' option
during any specific period declared by the Company or at the Company's option,
or at maturity on 31 August 2008. The 'B' shares carry a net non-cumulative
dividend set at a rate that is the lower of 75% of LIBOR and 20% per annum.
WH Smith PLC
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
For the 6 months to 28 February 2005
13 Share capital continued
The Group has 169,072 authorised, allotted and fully paid 5.75 per cent
cumulative preference shares in issue, which receive dividends half yearly.
On 27 September 2004 the Company undertook a capital reorganisation whereby
existing ordinary shareholders received 18 new ordinary shares and 25 new
non-cumulative preference shares of nominal value 85p ('C' shares) for every 25
existing ordinary shares. The new ordinary shares have a nominal value of 2 13/
81p each. This capital reorganisation was effected by a bonus issue of
approximately £77.7m, using the share premium account to fully pay up
undesignated shares of 31p each, which were then allocated to shareholders on
the basis of one undesignated share for every existing share held. The existing
ordinary shares and undesignated shares were then consolidated and split
resulting in the issue of new ordinary share capital of a nominal value of £4m
and 'C' shares of a nominal value of £213m.
In accordance with the terms of the capital reorganisation, shareholders could
elect to sell 'C' shares to the Company at 85p per share following which all
such 'C' shares would be cancelled by the Company or to receive the Initial 'C'
share dividend of 85p per 'C' share following which all such 'C' shares would be
converted into Deferred shares. On 27 October 2004, as a result of these
elections, the Group repurchased 73,182,358 'C' shares for their nominal value
of 85p each, a total repurchase amount of £62m and paid an initial 'C' share
dividend of £143m in respect of 167,686,994 'C' shares. The remaining 9,693,148
'C' shares which have not been repurchased or converted are irredeemable, except
at the Company's option, and carry a net non-cumulative dividend set at a rate
which is the lower of 75% of LIBOR and 20% per annum.
14 Reserves
Share Capital Profit
premium redemption Revaluation Other and loss
£m account reserve reserve reserve Account
At 1 September 2004 93 156 3 (27) (110)
Loss retained for
the period - - - - (107)
Bonus issue (see
Note 13) (78) - - - -
Employee share
schemes - - - - 2
Repurchase of shares
(see Note 13) - 62 - - (62)
Purchase of own
shares for employee
share schemes - - - (12) -
Money returned to
ESOP Trust after
share capital
reorganisation - - - 5 -
Currency translation
differences - - - - (1)
Reserves excluding
current period
pension deficit at
28 February 2005 15 218 3 (34) (278)
Current period net
pension deficit
adjustment - - - - (15)
Reserves at 28
February 2005 15 218 3 (34) (293)
The profit and loss account reserve at 28 February 2005 is stated after
previously writing off acquired goodwill of £19m (2004: £19m).
15 Approval of Interim Statement
The Interim Statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 21 April 2005.
We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 28 February 2005 which comprises the Group profit and loss
account, the Group balance sheet, the Group cash flow statement and associated
notes, the Group statement of total recognised gains and losses, the Group note
of historical cost profits and losses, the Reconciliation of movements in
Shareholders' funds and related notes 1 - 15. We have read the other information
contained in the Interim Statement and considered whether it contains any
apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial
This Report is made solely to the company in accordance with Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work has been undertaken so that we
might state to the company those matters we are required to state to them in an
independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than
the company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we
have formed.
Directors' responsibilities
The Interim Statement, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the Interim Statement in accordance with the
Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the
accounting polices and presentation applied to the interim figures are
consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except
where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.
Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A
review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom auditing standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.
Review conclusion
On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 28 February 2005.
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Chartered Accountants
21 April 2005
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange