Demerger/Offer for Pubs&Bars

Whitbread Holdings PLC 20 March 2001 FULL DETAILS Not for release, publication or distribution in or into the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Australia or the Netherlands Whitbread Holdings PLC Pubs and Bars division Return of value of 230 pence per share Introduction The Board of Whitbread Holdings announces that it has entered into an agreement with a company specially formed by MGPE ('NewCo'), which: * values its Pubs and Bars division at £1,625 million; and * provides for, inter alia, a demerger of the Pubs and Bars division, following which NewCo will make a cash offer to Whitbread Holdings shareholders for Pubs and Bars. The Offer will provide for a cash payment of 230 pence per share (approximately £1,130 million in aggregate) to Whitbread Holdings shareholders and will include a loan note alternative. Following completion of the Offer, the aggregate amount received by shareholders, including £42 million already returned through share buy-backs in November and December last year, will represent approximately 75 per cent. of the net value realised from Pubs and Bars. Approximately £445 million, representing the balance of the value realised after paying transaction related costs, will be retained by the Whitbread Group and applied to reduce borrowings. The Pubs and Bars division consists of the following: * Whitbread Pub Partnerships, which comprises approximately 1,710 leased pubs; * Pubs Inn Line, which comprises approximately 1,095 managed pubs; and * High Street Brands, which comprises approximately 193 branded pubs and bars. For the financial year ended 4 March 2000 and the six months ended 2 September 2000, the Pubs and Bars division generated earnings before interest and tax of £173.9 million on turnover of £668.5 million and £88.0 million on turnover of £341.3 million, respectively. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein is acting as financial adviser to Whitbread Holdings. Deutsche Bank and HSBC are acting as corporate brokers to Whitbread Holdings. Lehman Brothers is acting as sole financial adviser to MGPE and NewCo and as sole lead arranger of the debt financing. Description of the Transactions and the share capital consolidation The Transactions will involve the following principal steps: * the businesses comprising the Pubs and Bars division will be demerged from Whitbread Holdings to Fairbar Limited, a specially created company outside the Whitbread Group, by means of a reduction of capital under section 135 of the Companies Act. On the reduction of capital becoming effective, the nominal value of each Whitbread Holdings Share will be reduced. In consideration for this reduction, Whitbread Holdings shareholders will be allotted one share in Fairbar for each Whitbread Holdings Share held by them. * the Offer will then be made in cash (with a loan note alternative) by NewCo for the whole of the issued share capital of Fairbar on the basis of 230 pence for each share in Fairbar. The Offer will be conditional upon acceptances being received in respect of at least 30 per cent. of the issued shares of Fairbar. Under the provisions of Fairbar's articles of association, NewCo will be entitled to acquire compulsorily the remaining issued Fairbar shares upon the Offer becoming unconditional. The Demerger is conditional upon certain tax clearances being received and the passing by Whitbread Holdings shareholders of the necessary resolution to approve the Demerger and the reduction of capital. The Demerger is also conditional upon NewCo receiving competition approval from the European Commission for the Offer. The reduction of capital is subject to approval by the Court. Whitbread Holdings has agreed that upon the occurrence of certain events NewCo may terminate the agreement and Whitbread Holdings will make a payment to NewCo, in recognition of its costs, of between £15 million and £35 million, depending on the circumstances. These events include: the Board changing its recommendation of the Transactions; the resolution to approve the Demerger not being passed by 15 May 2001; the tax clearances referred to above not being received or the reduction of capital not becoming effective, in either case by 23 June 2001; and the Offer failing to become unconditional. The Offer will be made in cash and will include an option for shareholders to elect to receive guaranteed loan notes in respect of all or part of the cash consideration to which they would otherwise be entitled, subject to a maximum loan note availability of £250 million. To maintain comparability of future and historical earnings per share, dividends per share and share price, Whitbread Holdings proposes, conditional upon the reduction of capital becoming effective, to implement a share capital consolidation to reduce the number of issued Whitbread Holdings Shares. The share capital consolidation will reduce the existing number of Whitbread Holdings Shares by an amount that reflects the value returned to shareholders by the Transactions as a proportion of Whitbread Holdings' market value. Background to and reasons for the Transactions The return of value will complete the radical restructuring of the Whitbread Group announced by the Board in October last year. Future Whitbread will focus on growth segments of the UK leisure market where the Group already occupies leading positions. Further explanation of the background to and reasons for the Transactions as well as a description of Future Whitbread are set out in Appendix I to this announcement. Group prospects Final results for the Whitbread Group for the year ended 3 March 2001 are in the course of preparation and will be announced on 2 May 2001. The Board is confident that its strategy of focusing on three growth sectors of the UK leisure market - lodging, eating out and active leisure - will continue to produce benefits in terms of shareholder value. The Group's brands hold leading positions in these sectors and the Board believes that the prospects for growth, both through market share gains and organic expansion, are excellent. In addition, the Board believes that there are significant opportunities to accelerate the improvement in returns generated by the Future Whitbread brands and further enhance shareholder value. Dividend policy The Board expects, upon the Transactions being implemented, to adopt a dividend policy which reflects the growth prospects of the Whitbread Group, initially based on an overall dividend cover of approximately 2.5 times. Such a policy would be implemented for the first time in respect of the financial year to 2 March 2002. The final dividend for the year ended 3 March 2001, likely to become payable in July 2001, will be announced with the final results on 2 May 2001. Management of the Whitbread Group following the Transactions Stewart Miller, Managing Director of the Pubs and Bars division, will become Managing Director of David Lloyd Leisure upon the Transactions being implemented. He will continue to be a Director of Whitbread Holdings. Circular and Timetable A circular to shareholders will shortly be posted convening an extraordinary general meeting of Whitbread Holdings for shareholders to approve the steps required to implement the Demerger. The Directors of Whitbread Holdings intend to recommend that shareholders approve the Demerger. The EGM is expected to be held on 20 April 2001 and the Offer is expected to be made in early May. The Board expects that, subject to approval by Whitbread Holdings shareholders of the Demerger and the Offer becoming unconditional, the return of value will be substantially complete by early June 2001. Change of name Whitbread Holdings intends to change its name to Whitbread PLC. Shareholders will be asked to approve the change of name at the EGM. Information on MGPE MGPE, the private equity arm of Deutsche Asset Management, is a leading European private equity house with funds under management of approximately Euro 2.5 billion. Its strategy is to invest in companies of high quality that have a strong market position, good brands, growth potential and competitive advantages resulting from product superiority. Since inception, MGPE has made 48 investments with a total enterprise value of over Euro 10 billion. A conference call for analysts will be held at 9.45 a.m. today. To participate, dial 020 8781 0596 and ask for the Whitbread Holdings conference call. Enquiries: Whitbread Holdings David Thomas +44 (0)20 7606 4455 David Reed +44 (0)20 7806 5437 MGPE Jon Macintosh +44 (0)20 7545 5302 Chris Hanna +44 (0)20 7545 3229 Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein +44 (0)20 7623 8000 David Barclay Nigel Binks Lehman Brothers +44 (0)20 7601 0011 Peter Combe Adrian Fisk Michael Mackinnon Gavin Anderson & Company +44 (0)20 7457 2345 (for Whitbread Holdings) Chris Salt Laura Hickman Smithfield Financial (for MGPE) +44 (0)20 7360 4900 John Kiely Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, which is regulated in the United Kingdom by the Securities and Futures Authority Limited, is acting for Whitbread Holdings and for no one else in relation to the matters discussed herein and will not be responsible to anyone other than Whitbread Holdings for providing the protections afforded to its customers or for providing advice in relation to the matters discussed herein. Lehman Brothers, which is regulated in the United Kingdom by the Securities and Futures Authority Limited, is acting for MGPE and NewCo and for no one else in relation to the matters discussed herein and will not be responsible to anyone other than MGPE and NewCo for providing the protections afforded to its customers or for providing advice in relation to the matters discussed herein. Appendix I Background to and reasons for the Transactions In recent years, the Whitbread strategy has been to develop its portfolio of brands and businesses to take advantage of emerging trends and opportunities in the UK lodging, eating out and active leisure markets. Most notably: * the opportunity to create an internationally branded UK network for four-star hotels; * the rapid growth in demand for value for money budget hotel accommodation; * growing expenditure on eating outside the home; * increased consumer interest in fitness and healthy lifestyles; and * consumer preference for branded operations. This strategy lay behind the acquisition of Swallow Hotels in January 2000, the disposal of the Whitbread Beer Company in May 2000 and the sale in October 2000 of Whitbread's interest in the First Quench off-licence business. The Board believes that Future Whitbread will benefit from a more effective overhead. Future Whitbread Future Whitbread will be a focused UK leisure business with strong market positions in hotels, restaurants and active leisure. The Board's priorities, on behalf of shareholders, are to grow the business and to achieve annual improvements in return on capital. These are being achieved by: * growing the profitability, scale and market share of the Group's leading brands; * seeking new brands that have the potential to reach significant scale; * managing the business so that economic value is added by each activity; * becoming the employer of choice in UK leisure; and * working to meet the Board's responsibilities to the wider stakeholders in Whitbread Holdings, including commercial partners and the communities in which its brands operate. Whitbread Holdings is the UK's largest operator of budget accommodation (by number of outlets and number of rooms). It is also one of the largest operators of family restaurants (by number of outlets) and the largest sports, health and fitness operator (by number of members). A description of each major business area follows: Hotels The Whitbread Hotel Company combines a leading brand in the premium hotel market, Marriott, with the market leader in the budget accommodation sector, Travel Inn. Travel Inn currently operates 263 hotels with over 14,000 rooms. The Board intends to increase the Travel Inn network to at least 350 hotels and 20,000 rooms by 2003. The Board believes that there is a significant opportunity for further organic growth in the four-star market. Whitbread Holdings has the sole UK franchise for Marriott and achieves a significant yield premium to the market. The Whitbread Hotel Company operates nearly 10,000 rooms in the UK from 61 four and five-star hotels. A further three hotels are currently in the pipeline. Restaurants Whitbread Restaurants is one of the largest operators by number of branded family restaurants in the growing and highly competitive eating out market. For the six months to 2 September 2000, two branded estates, Brewers Fayre and Beefeater, including their adjacent Travel Inns, accounted for 90 per cent. of the division's operating profit. The Brewers Fayre estate (including the Brewsters brand) is one of the country's most successful restaurant chains with over 385 outlets which average weekly sales of approximately £22,000 each. The Beefeater estate (including Out & Out) has 257 outlets which average weekly sales of around £20,000 each. They operate from some of the UK's best family restaurant sites. The Whitbread Holdings restaurants portfolio also includes Bella Pasta, Cafe Rouge, Costa, Pizza Hut, TGI Friday's and Maredo in Germany. Sports, Health and Fitness David Lloyd Leisure is the largest operator by number of members in the fast growing active leisure market with 44 large clubs and more than 210,000 members. Whitbread has grown the brand from 14 clubs since its acquisition in 1995. The strength of the David Lloyd Leisure brand enables it to outperform the active leisure market, with both sales per member and membership retention above the industry average. The Board intends to continue the vigorous growth of David Lloyd Leisure through: further improvements in like-for-like sales performance; the 11 clubs which have been open for less than three years reaching mature membership levels; and organic growth through a new club pipeline which already includes nine sites. In addition, the David Lloyd Leisure franchise is to be extended to the majority of the 51 Marriott and Swallow leisure clubs. Beer and Other Drinks The Whitbread Beer Company was sold to Interbrew on 25 May 2000, although there remains a continuing beer production and sales activity. The terms of the sale of The Whitbread Beer Company included arrangements for Whitbread to retain the people and the necessary production capacity to ensure compliance with its obligations for the remaining period of the licences under which Whitbread brews Heineken and Murphy's. Other drinks comprises Whitbread's 25 per cent. share of Britannia Soft Drinks. Whitbread's interest in First Quench was sold on 16 October 2000. Appendix II The following definitions apply throughout this document unless the context requires otherwise: 'Board' the Board of Whitbread Holdings; 'Companies Act' the Companies Act 1985 (as amended); 'Court' the High Court of Justice of England and Wales; 'Demerger' the proposed demerger of the Pubs and Bars division to Fairbar in anticipation of the Offer; 'Deutsche Bank' Deutsche Bank AG London; 'Dresdner Kleinwort Kleinwort Benson Limited; Wasserstein' 'EGM' the extraordinary general meeting of Whitbread Holdings; 'Fairbar' Fairbar Limited; 'Future Whitbread' the Whitbread Holdings Group excluding the Pubs and Bars division; 'HSBC' HSBC Investment Bank plc; 'Lehman Brothers' Lehman Brothers Europe Limited; 'MGPE' Morgan Grenfell Private Equity Limited; 'NewCo' Shopgood Limited, a company specially formed by MGPE for the purpose of making the Offer; 'Offer' the offer to be made by Lehman Brothers on behalf of NewCo for Fairbar on the terms set out in the Framework Agreement dated 20 March 2001 between Whitbread Holdings and NewCo; 'Pubs and Bars those businesses within Whitbread division' or 'Pubs Holdings' pubs and bars division known and Bars' as 'Whitbread Pub Partnerships' 'Pubs Inn Line', 'High Street Brands' and 'Dome'; 'Transactions' together the Demerger and the Offer and any steps required to give effect thereto; 'UK' the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; 'Whitbread' Whitbread PLC; 'Whitbread Group' or Whitbread Holdings and its subsidiary 'Group' undertakings; 'Whitbread Holdings' Whitbread Holdings PLC; and 'Whitbread Holdings the ordinary shares of 450 pence each Share(s)' in the share capital of Whitbread Holdings.


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