Frthr Response to DTI Stmnt.

WHITBREAD PLC 15 July 1999 Whitbread - further response to DTI statement In the light of the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry's referral of the proposed Whitbread acquisition of Allied Domecq Retailing to the Competition Commission, the Board of Whitbread announces that it will not proceed with the transaction or therefore with the inquiry. The Board has taken into account the following matters in coming to its decision:- - its responsibility for maintaining operational momentum within Whitbread's existing businesses, and - the conflict between this responsibility and the commercial effects on both the Whitbread and the Allied Domecq businesses of the long delay imposed by the Secretary of State's decision to refer the Whitbread offer to the Competition Commission. Sir Michael Angus, Chairman, commented: 'The Board acknowledges the right of the Secretary of State to refer the Whitbread offer for Allied Domecq Retailing to the Competition Commission. However, it has serious concerns about the implications for competition policy which arise from this decision. 'The Board requests the regulatory authorities to clarify the standing of the Beer Orders as a matter of urgency and to address the market power issues presented by the proposed acquisition of Allied Domecq Retailing by the Bass / Punch consortium.'


Whitbread (WTB)
UK 100