Interim Results
Witan Inv Tst PLC
27 July 2000
Unaudited Preliminary Results for the Half Year Ended 30
June 2000
Financial Highlights (per ordinary share)*
Half year Half year Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 Dec
2000 1999 1999
pence pence pence
Net asset value 566.7 478.5 560.7
Earnings 3.85 4.45 7.54
Dividends - Interims and 3.50 3.50 7.60
Performance (total return per ordinary share)*
6 months 12 months
base 100 base 100
Net asset value (i) 101.69 120.02
Share price (i) 101.27 122.09
Peer group (i) and (ii) 100.97 116.65
Benchmark (iii) 98.71 110.61
(i) Source: AITC
(ii) Source: AITC size weighted average net asset value
total return for the International : General sector
(iii)Comprising the FTSE All-Share Index and the FT/S&P
Actuaries World Index ex UK in the proportion 60:40 with
net income reinvested.
An interim dividend of 3.50p (1999: 3.50p) per ordinary
share will be paid on 8 September 2000 to shareholders
registered on 18 August 2000. The ex-dividend date will be
14 August 2000.
* Unaudited
Unaudited Preliminary Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2000
Chairman's Statement
In the first six months of the year we have seen corrective action
in many markets on the pricing of both the exotic new stocks and
the traditional old stocks - and not before time. The Witan
portfolio, having some of each, has weathered these adjustments
positively with a small rise of 1.69% in our net asset value
whereas our benchmark has responded negatively, down 1.29%. In
this period it has been better to have been armed with a shotgun
than a rifle as spread was all important, in sharp contrast to
what was needed in 1999. In both periods the benefits of not being
a slave to indices is apparent.
Nonetheless we continue to look for ways to reduce stockmarket
risk and we have recently applied approximately 1% of our assets
to what is loosely labelled 'absolute return funds'. With careful
choice and with a good mixture of these funds we believe
acceptable returns can be made in falling markets without
prejudicing good returns in strong markets. We shall see.
At 30 June 2000 Christopher Clarke retired as Managing Director,
but remains on the Board. James Robinson, in the same co-
ordinating role, becomes our new Manager. This is a logical step
in the development of our investment management team structure,
which Christopher has done so much to create, as well as a healthy
sign to shareholders of the depth of management resource available
to Witan at Henderson Investors. It would be appropriate for me to
comment more fully on the significant contribution Christopher has
made at the time of our Annual Report.
Unaudited Preliminary Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2000
Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account)
for the half year ended 30 June 2000
(Unaudited) (Unaudited and (Audited and
Half year Restated*) Restated*)
ended Half year Year ended
30 June 2000 ended 31 December
30 June 1999 1999
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Total capital
gains from
investments - 13,607 13,607 - 199,913 199,913 - 507,558 507,558
Income from
fixed asset
investments 19,564 - 19,564 22,377 - 22,377 37,255 - 37,255
Other interest
receivable and
income 810 - 810 982 - 982 2,688 2,688
Gross revenue
and capital
gains 20,374 13,607 33,981 23,359 199,913 223,272 39,943 507,558 547,501
fee (2,252) - (2,252)(2,164) - (2,164) (4,370) - (4,370)
expenses (1,206) - (1,206)(1,907) - (1,097) (1,935) - (1,935)
Net return on
payable and
taxation 16,916 13,607 30,523 20,098 199,913 220,011 33,638 507,558 541,196
payable (2,021) - (2,021) (2,243) - (2,243) (4,219) - (4,219)
Net return on
taxation 14,895 13,607 28,502 17,855 199,913 217,768 29,419 507,558 536,977
Taxation on
net revenue
on ordinary
activities (758) - (758) (1,133) - (1,133) (1,147) - (1,147)
Net return on
taxation 14,137 13,607 27,744 16,722 199,913 216,635 28,272 507,558 535,830
Dividends -
shares (42) - (42) (42) - (42) (83) - (83)
Net return
to ordinary
shares 14,095 13,607 27,702 16,680 199,913 216,593 28,189 507,558 535,747
Dividends - ordinary
payment of
3.50p) (12,703) - (12,703) (13,151) - (13,151) (13,082) - (13,082)
4.10p - - - - - - (15,084) - (15,084)
(12,703) - (12,703) (13,151) - (13,151)(28,166) - (28,166)
reserves 1,392 13,607 14,999 3,529 199,913 203,442 23 507,558 507,581
Return per
(note 1) 3.85p 3.71p 7.56p 4.45p 53.30p 57.75p 7.54p 135.76p 143.30p
The revenue columns of this statement represent the revenue
accounts of the Company.
*Restated for change in accounting policy, see note 2.
Unaudited Preliminary Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2000
Balance Sheet
as at 30 June 2000
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
31 December
30 June 30 June 1999
2000 1999 £'000
£'000 £'000
Fixed asset investments
Listed in United Kingdom 1,100,686 1,038,008 1,196,593
Listed abroad 932,961 756,617 928,713
Unquoted at directors' 29,178 14,173 9,665
--------- ---------- ------------
2,062,825 1,808,798 2,134,971
--------- ---------- ------------
Current Assets
Debtors 20,834 11,188 5,132
Cash at bank and short term 53,873 74,275 9,653
--------- ---------- ------------
74,707 85,463 14,785
Creditors : amounts falling (25,659) (57,149) (18,217)
due within one year
--------- ---------- ------------
Net current 49,048 28,314 (3,432)
--------- ---------- ------------
Total assets less current 2,111,873 1,837,112 2,131,539
Creditors: amounts falling (46,000) (46,000) (46,000)
due after more
than one year
Provision for liabilities (25) (192) (74)
and charges
--------- ---------- ------------
Total net assets 2,065,848 1,790,920 2,085,465
======== ======== ========
Capital and Reserves
Called-up share capital
Preference shares 2,555 2,555 2,555
Ordinary shares 91,015 93,438 92,876
Share premium 16,237 16,237 16,237
Other reserves
Capital reserve - realised 1,130,292 945,874 1,019,147
Capital reserve - 808,219 710,535 940,373
Redemption reserve 2,811 388 950
Revenue reserve 14,719 21,893 13,327
--------- ---------- ------------
Shareholders' funds 2,065,848 1,790,920 2,085,465
(including non-equity ======== ======== ========
interests of £2,555,000)
Net asset value per 566.7p 478.5p 560.7p
ordinary share
--------- ---------- -----------
Unaudited Preliminary Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2000
Cash Flow Statement
for the half year to 30 June 2000 (unaudited)
(Restated*) and
Half year Half year Year ended
ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2000 1999 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating 15,076 18,475 32,941
Net cash outflow from servicing of (2,064) (2,808) (4,828)
Net tax recovered 156 509 420
Net cash inflow from financial 80,988 65,323 46,356
Equity dividends paid (15,045) (15,199) (28,282)
Management of liquid resources (15,000) (21,745) 28,255
---------- ---------- -----------
Net cash inflow before financing 64,111 44,555 74,862
Net cash outflow from financing (34,616) (40,005) (85,333)
---------- ---------- -----------
Increase/(decrease) in cash 29,495 4,550 (10,471)
---------- ---------- -----------
Reconciliation of operating revenue to net cash inflow from
operating activities
Net revenue before interest 16,916 20,098 33,638
payable and taxation
(Increase)/decrease in accrued (157) (884) 914
Decrease/(increase) in debtors 259 131 (221)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors (491) 962 924
Tax deducted at source (1,427) (1,832) (2,289)
Scrip dividends included in (24) - (25)
investment income
---------- ---------- -----------
15,076 18,475 32,941
---------- ---------- -----------
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds/(debt)
Increase/(decrease) in cash 29,495 4,550 (10,471)
Net repayment of loans - 33,869 69,599
Cash outflow/(inflow) from 15,000 21,745 (28,255)
management of liquid resources
---------- ---------- -----------
Change in net funds/(debt) 44,495 60,164 30,873
resulting from cash flows
Exchange movements (275) (73) (2,637)
---------- ---------- -----------
Movement in net funds/(debt) in 44,220 60,091 28,236
the year
Net debt at beginning of the (36,347) (64,583) (64,583)
---------- ---------- -----------
Net funds/(debt) at end of the 7,873 (4,492) (36,347)
---------- ---------- -----------
Represented by:
Bank balances and short term 53,873 74,275 9,653
Debt falling due within one year - (32,767) -
Debt falling due after more than (46,000) (46,000) (46,000)
one year
---------- ---------- -----------
7,873 (4,492) (36,347)
---------- ---------- -----------
*Restated for change in accounting policy, see note 2.
Unaudited Preliminary Results for the Half Year Ended 30 June 2000
1. Return per Ordinary Share
Revenue return per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the
net revenue return available for ordinary shareholders of
£14,095,000 (half year ended 30 June 1999: £16,680,000 and year
ended 31 December 1999: £28,189,000) by the 366,527,642 (half
year ended 30 June 1999: 375,052,266 and year ended 31 December
1999: 373,863,778) weighted average number of ordinary shares
in issue, as shown above.
Capital return per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the
net capital return available for ordinary shareholders of
£13,607,000 (half year ended 30 June 1999: £199,913,000 and
year ended 31 December 1999: £507,558,000) by the weighted
average number of ordinary shares in issue as shown above.
2. Change in accounting policy
In accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 16, Current
Taxation, ('FRS 16') which became effective for accounting
periods ending on or after 23 March 2000, franked investment
income is now shown net of the related tax credits. The
comparative figures for the half year ended 30 June 1999 and
the year ended 31 December 1999 have been restated accordingly.
Adoption of FRS 16 has no effect on the revenue or capital
returns per ordinary share, nor on the net asset value per
ordinary share.
3. Share Repurchases
During the period the Company made authorised market purchases fo
r cancellation of 7,445,000 of its own issued ordinary shares
of 25p. Following these purchases for cancellation 364,058,094
ordinary shares of 25p are in issue.
4. Dividend
The directors have declared an interim dividend of 3.50p (1999: 3
.50p) per ordinary share payable on 8 September 2000 to
shareholders registered on 18 August 2000. The shares will be
quoted ex-dividend on 14 August 2000.
5. Year 2000
Henderson plc and its subsidiaries ('Henderson'), which provides
investment management, UK custodial, accounting, administrative
and company secretarial services to Witan Investment Trust plc,
have advised that the corporate action programme initiated by
Henderson has been satisfactorily completed and that at the
date of this document no material or significant problems
affecting the Company have arisen from the Year 2000 date
change. Costs relating to this project were borne by
6. Comparative Information
The figures and financial information for the year ended 31
December 1999 are an extract from the latest published accounts
and do not constitute statutory accounts for that year. Those
accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and
included the report of the auditors which was unqualified and
did not contain a statement under either section 237(2) or
237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.
7. Interim Report
The interim report will be sent to shareholders in August 2000
and copies will be available thereafter from the Secretary at
the Company's registered office, 3 Finsbury Avenue, London EC2M
For further information, please contact:
James Budden
Witan Investment Trust plc
Tel: 020 7410 3121
Norman Brown
Henderson Investors
Tel: 020 7410 3185
Gordon Puckey
Quill Communications
Tel: 020 7618 8905