Interim Results

Finsbury Worldwide Pharm Tst PLC 21 November 2006 NEWS RELEASE 21 November 2006 FINSBURY WORLDWIDE PHARMACEUTICAL TRUST PLC Preliminary Results for the six months ended 30 September 2006 Finsbury Worldwide Pharmaceutical Trust PLC today announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2006. Financial Highlights 30 September 31 March % Change 2006 2006 Shareholders' Funds £299.0 m £334.8m -10.7 Basic Net Asset Value per share 519.0p 583.0p -11.0 Fully Diluted Net Asset Value per share 510.3p 564.1p -9.5 Share price 492.0p 575.0p -14.4 Warrant price 109.5p 178.5p -38.7 Discount to basic Net Asset Value 5.2% 1.4% - Benchmark Index * 7,763.5 7,787.8 -0.3 FTSE All-Share (total return) 3,522.6 3,462.2 +1.7 Gearing # 15% 15% - +Total Expense Ratio (including performance fees) 1.3% 1.5% - +Total Expense Ratio (excluding performance fees) 1.3% 1.4% - * Datastream World Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Index, total return, sterling adjusted. Formerly named, the Datastream World Pharmaceutical Index, which contained pharmaceutical and biotechnology stocks. #Prior charges as a percentage of net assets. + Excludes the deferred fee paid to M and I Investors, Inc on 24 January 2006. Attached: * Chairman's Statement * Income Statement * Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds * Balance Sheet * Cash Flow Statement * Notes to the Financial Statements For further information please contact: Ian Ivory, Chairman, Finsbury Worldwide Pharmaceutical Trust PLC 01828 640383 Tracey Lago, Company Secretary, Close Investments Limited 020 7426 6219 Chairman's Statement Performance After particularly strong asset growth in the year to 31 March 2006 where the net asset value ('NAV') grew by 40.6%. It is disappointing to have to report that the NAV fell back by 11% in the six months to 30 September 2006. Over the same period the Datastream World Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Index fell by 0.3%. Company performance was impacted by two factors. Firstly, the value of the Dollar compared to Sterling fell from $1.73 to $1.87, a drop of 8% with currency translation losses further contributing to the fall in NAV. Secondly, smaller biotechnology stocks, which account for 37% of the portfolio, were relatively weak compared to the larger capitalisation issues. Further information on the performance is given in the Review of Investments in the Interim Report. Share Capital During the last six months shares have been trading between a modest premium and low discount. In the six months to 30 September 2006, 150,000 shares were allotted at a 2.4% premium raising a total of £822,750. In addition, the second exercise date of the Warrants occurred at which time a total of 32,731 Warrants were exercised, raising £151,872. The remaining 10.8m Warrants are exercisable annually on 1 August up to and including 2009 at an exercise price of 464.0p per share. If all of the Warrants are exercised this will raise an additional £50m for the Company. Investment Strategy The Company will maintain a high weighting in smaller biotechnology companies. These companies continue to make significant discoveries relative to their size and appear to represent better value than some of the larger pharmaceutical companies with more mature drug portfolios. Furthermore, there has been an upturn in merger and acquisition activity with a significant number of smaller biotechnology companies being acquired by larger pharmaceutical companies. The Company has benefited from this activity. The recent election successes for the Democrats has caused some short term weakness in the sector but this was not unexpected and does not impact on our fundamental long term view. In the Annual Report, we indicated the best and worst contributors to the performance and these are shown below as at 30 September 2006 expressed as a contribution per share. Contribution by Investment (excluding derivatives) Top and bottom five contributors to NAV performance for the six months to 30 September 2006 Contribution Contribution for the six per Share months £'000 (p)* Top Five Contributors Serono 2,181 3.79 Anormed 1,069 1.86 Pfizer 850 1.48 Icos 759 1.32 Schering-Plough 742 1.29 --------- 9.74 ========= Bottom Five Contributors CV Therapeutics (4,164) (7.23) Adolor (3,824) (6.64) Medimmune (3,729) (6.47) Gen-Probe (3,283) (5.70) Tanox (3,159) (5.48) --------- (31.52) ========= *based on 57,604,881 Ordinary shares in issue as at 30 September 2006 As indicated in my last interim report and as proposed to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held in July, we are continuing to make investments in options contracts, which are limited to 5% of overall assets. We are very pleased that the investments made in options in the six months to 30 September 2006 have, to some degree, balanced the volatility in the sector and additionally have generated £1,874,000 of value to the Company. The sector is very influenced by the US dollar because the majority of investment opportunities arise in the US and the underlying revenue streams of these investments are predominantly US dollars. Accordingly your Board continues to adopt the policy not to hedge the US dollar. We do however draw all borrowings in US dollars to mitigate some of the exposure. Revenue and Dividends Capital growth remains the key focus for the Company and, since launch in 1995 the compound rate of return has been 15.5%. In contrast, the average dividend yield of the shares of the Company has been well below 1.0%. The Company continues to capitalise 100% of the management fees and charge all other expenses to the revenue account; this allows the payment of a small annual dividend to shareholders. The Board feels that this is the most appropriate accounting policy and as in former years, no interim dividend is being proposed, however we expect to be in a position to pay a small dividend in 2007. Outlook The industry continues to be driven by the introduction of new drugs, with various product approvals being made in recent months. The Board remains very impressed by the team at OrbiMed and its ability to identify future major drugs and trends. The industry will continue to evolve and the portfolio will reflect these changes. We believe the outlook for the sector in general and your Company in particular remains excellent and we look forward to further significant growth in the years to come. Ian Ivory Chairman 21 November 2006 Income Statement For the six months ended 30 September 2006 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months ended Six months ended Year ended 30 September 2006 30 September 2005 31 March 2006 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total return return £'000 return return £'000 return return £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- (Losses)/ gains on investments held at fair - (36,517) (36,517) - 70,379 70,379 - 98,824 98,824 value through profit or loss Exchange gains/ (losses) on currency - 2,544 2,544 - (990) (990) - (1,621) (1,621) balances Income from investments held at fair value through profit or loss 1,656 - 1,656 1,407 - 1,407 2,961 - 2,961 (note 3) Investment management and performance - (1,527) (1,527) - (1,503) (1,503) - (3,192) (3,192) fees (note 4) Operating expenses (518) - (518) (466) (599) (1,065) (961) (745) (1,706) ------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net return/(loss) before finance charges and 1,138 (35,500) (34,362) 941 67,287 68,228 2,000 93,266 95,266 taxation Finance - (1,228) (1,228) - (553) (553) - (1,300) (1,300) charges ------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net return/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 1,138 (36,728) (35,590) 941 66,734 67,675 2,000 91,966 93,966 Taxation on net return/(loss) on ordinary activities (351) 155 (196) (292) 121 (171) (605) 266 (339) ------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Net return/(loss) on ordinary activities after 787 (36,573) (35,786) 649 66,855 67,504 1,395 92,232 93,627 taxation ------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Return/(loss) per Ordinary share - basic (note 2) 1.4p (63.5)p (62.1)p 1.2p 122.4p 123.6p 2.5p 166.1p 168.6p ------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Return/(loss) per Ordinary share - diluted (note 2) 1.3p (63.5)p (62.2)p 1.2p 121.8p 123.0p 2.5p 162.3p 164.8p ------------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. The revenue and capital return columns are supplementary to this and are prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies, formerly the Association of Investment Trust Companies. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. The Company has no recognised gains and losses other than those shown above and therefore no separate statement of total recognised gains and losses have been presented. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year. Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds For the six months ended 30 September 2006 Six months Called-up Share Capital ended share premium Warrant Capital redemption Revenue 30 September capital account reserve reserve reserve reserve Total 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 31 March 2006 14,356 116,613 7,458 193,699 375 2,257 334,758 Net (loss)/return from ordinary activities after tax - - - (36,573) - 787 (35,786) Dividends paid in respect of year ended 31 March 2006 - - - - - (979) (979) Exercise of warrants 8 144 - - - - 152 Transfer from warrant reserve following exercise of warrants - 21 (21) - - - - Issue of own shares 37 785 - - - - 822 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At 30 September 2006 14,401 117,563 7,437 157,126 375 2,065 298,967 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Six months Called-up Share Capital ended share premium Warrant Capital redemption Revenue 30 September capital account reserve reserve reserve reserve Total 2005 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 31 March 2005 13,648 101,790 7,528 101,467 375 1,572 226,380 Net return from ordinary activities after tax - - - 66,855 - 649 67,504 Dividends paid in respect of year ended 31 March 2005 - - - - - (710) (710) Exercise of warrants 25 444 - - - - 469 Transfer from warrant reserve following exercise of warrants - 70 (70) - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At 30 September 2005 13,673 102,304 7,458 168,322 375 1,511 293,643 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Called-up Share Capital share premium Warrant Capital redemption Revenue Year ended capital account reserve reserve reserve reserve Total 31 March 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 31 March 2005 13,648 101,790 7,528 101,467 375 1,572 226,380 Net return from ordinary activities after tax - - - 92,232 - 1,395 93,627 Dividends paid in respect of year ended 31 March 2005 - - - - - (710) (710) Exercise of warrants 25 444 - - - - 469 Transfer from warrant reserve following exercise of warrants - 70 (70) - - - - Issue of own shares 683 14,309 - - - - 14,992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At 31 March 2006 14,356 116,613 7,458 193,699 375 2,257 334,758 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purchase transaction costs for the six months ended 30 September 2006 were £83,000 (six months ended 30 September 2005: £75,000; year ended 31 March 2006: £218,000). Sales transaction costs for the six months ended 30 September 2006 were £133,000 (six months ended 30 September 2005: £54,000; year ended 31 March 2006: £221,000). Balance Sheet As at 30 September 2006 -------------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) 30 September 30 September 31 March 2006 2005 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 -------------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 326,811 327,232 378,044 -------------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Current assets Debtors 1,427 454 500 Cash at bank 22,714 5,107 6,490 -------------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- 24,141 5,561 6,990 Creditors Amounts falling due within one year (51,985) (39,150) (50,276) -------------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Net current liabilities (27,844) (33,589) (43,286) -------------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Total net assets 298,967 293,643 334,758 -------------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Capital and reserves Called up share capital 14,401 13,673 14,356 Share premium account 117,563 102,304 116,613 Warrant reserve 7,437 7,458 7,458 Capital reserves 157,126 168,322 193,699 Capital redemption reserve 375 375 375 Revenue reserve 2,065 1,511 2,257 -------------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Total equity shareholders' funds 298,967 293,643 334,758 -------------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Net Asset Value per Ordinary share - basic (note 5) 519.0p 536.9p 583.0p -------------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Net Asset Value per Ordinary share - diluted (note 5) 510.3p 524.9p 564.1p -------------------------- ----------- ---------- ---------- Cash Flow Statement For the six months ended 30 September 2006 ------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) 30 September 30 September 31 March 2006 2005 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 ------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- Net cash outflow from operating activities (1,101) (483) (4,594) ------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- Servicing of finance Interest paid (1,135) (530) (1,322) ------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- Taxation 141 11 59 Taxation recovered Financial investment Purchases of investments (27,177) (32,851) (120,620) Sales of investments 49,092 29,347 94,747 ------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- Net cashflow from financial investments 21,915 (3,504) (25,873) ------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- Equity dividends paid (979) (710) (710) ------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 18,841 (5,216) (32,440) ------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- Financing Shares issued from exercise of warrants 152 469 469 Issue of Ordinary shares 822 - 14,992 (Decrease)/increase in short term loans (3,566) 9,904 25,140 ------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (2,592) 10,373 40,601 ------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- Increase in cash in the period 16,249 5,157 8,161 ------------------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- Notes to the Financial Statements 1. Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, modified to include the revaluation of investments and in accordance with applicable accounting standards and with the Statement of Recommended Practice 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies' dated December 2005. The same accounting policies used for the year ended 31 March 2006 have been applied. 2. Return/(loss) per Ordinary share ----------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months Six months Year ended 30 ended 30 ended September 2006 September 2005 31 March 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 ----------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- The return per Ordinary share is based on the following figures: Revenue return 787 649 1,395 Capital (loss)/return (36,573) 66,855 92,232 ----------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- Total (loss)/return (35,786) 67,504 93,627 ----------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- Weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue for the period - basic 57,566,950 54,624,083 55,522,713 Revenue return per Ordinary share 1.37p 1.19p 2.51p Capital (loss)/return per Ordinary share (63.53)p 122.39p 166.12p ----------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- Total (loss)/return per Ordinary share (62.16)p 123.58p 168.63p ----------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- Weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue for the period - diluted 58,288,352 54,892,366 56,832,543 Revenue return per Ordinary share 1.35p 1.18p 2.45p Capital (loss)/return per Ordinary share *(63.53)p 121.79p 162.29p ----------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- Total (loss)/return per Ordinary share - diluted (62.18)p 122.97p 164.74p ----------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- * dilution not applicable 3. Income (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months ended Six months ended Year ended 30 September 30 September 31 March 2006 2005 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 Investment income 1,522 1,394 2,683 Interest receivable 134 13 278 ----------- ------------ ----------- Total 1,656 1,407 2,961 ----------- ------------ ----------- Notes to the Financial Statements (continued) 4. Investment Management and Performance Fees (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) Six months ended Six months ended Year ended 30 September 30 September 31 March 2006 2006 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 Investment management fee 1,458 1,366 2,993 Performance fee accrual paid - 137 136 Irrecoverable VAT thereon 69 - 63 ----------- ------------ ----------- Total 1,527 1,503 3,192 ----------- ------------ ----------- 5. Net asset value per Ordinary Share and Issued Share Capital Net asset value per Ordinary share is calculated on attributable assets at 30 September 2006 of £298,967,000 (30 September 2005: £293,643,000 and 31 March 2006: £334,758,000) and 57,604,881 being the number of shares in issue at 30 September 2006 (30 September 2005: 54,692,576 and 31 March 2006: 57,422,150). The diluted net asset value per Ordinary share assumes all outstanding warrants are exercised at 464.0p resulting in assets attributable to equity shareholders of £348,955,000 (30 September 2005: £343,783,000, 31 March 2006: £384,898,000) and on the resultant number of shares of 68,378,248 (30 September 2005: 65,498,674, 31 March 2006: 68,228,248). 6. Exchange Rates The following spot foreign exchange rates were used to convert the investments of the Company: 30 September 2006 : 1.8680 31 March 2006 : 1.7346 30 September 2005 : 1.7691 7. Publication of Non Statutory Accounts The financial information contained in this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the half years ended 30 September 2006 and 30 September 2005 has not been audited. The information for the year ended 31 March 2006 has been extracted from the latest published audited financial statements. The audited financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2006 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on those accounts contained no qualification or statement under section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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