Final Results
Worthington Group PLC
14 July 2003
Worthington Group plc
Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2003
The Group's operating profit for the year was £792,000 from our continuing
operations after including exceptional losses of £238,000 and other income of
£1,694,000. The trading loss before these items is therefore £664,000 which
can be explained by increased pension contributions, the trading losses at
Armitage and the corresponding asset write downs. Our main subsidiary,
Worthington Manufacturing at Macclesfield, virtually broke even in the full year
despite a good first half performance.
The rationalisation programme had to be continued during the year under review
driven by ever-changing market forces, and the need to eradicate any further
trading losses. West Yorkshire Weavers closed during the year, despite our best
endeavours to find a strategy which would enable it to return to profitability.
Write-offs of £267,000 are shown in the accounts under the heading of '
Discontinued Operations' reflecting the trading losses and closure costs.
Discontinued Operations also includes final closure costs of £85,000 for
Merralls and Gardiners which were closed last year. Some cash has been
released to the Group which might otherwise have been lost had we continued to
trade these subsidiaries.
Textiles in the UK have been contracting for some years, and these companies
which formerly enjoyed enormous prestige, witnessed the decline of their markets
and their closure became inevitable.
In common with most companies, a review of the current pension schemes has
produced additional liabilities.
The S Jerome & Sons scheme was discontinued on 1 April 2001 but final valuations
have not yet been agreed. A provision of £193,000 continues to be carried
against any eventual shortfall in the funding of the scheme.
The minimum funding requirement valuation which was referred to in the half year
statement has now been completed for the Jerome Retirement Benefit Scheme. The
company has agreed to address the existing shortfall of £3 million by equal
monthly contributions over the next ten years, which will impact adversely on
our profit and loss account to the extent of £300,000 per annum.
This may be affected by a further valuation of the scheme to be carried out in 3
years time.
Worthington Manufacturing, suppliers of components to the ladies lingerie
market, had a difficult second half, due to lower sales, an adverse product mix
and an increase in raw material prices, so that for the full year this division
barely broke even. This was very disappointing considering our expectations
and improved facilities at the purpose-built factory at Macclesfield. The
problems encountered have now been addressed and our first quarter figures are
broadly in line with budget.
The opening of a facility in Morocco, together with a number of new products,
has generated an increase in sales with a simultaneous enlarged catchment area
in North Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. The sad news is, our domestic market
continues to shrink as customers go offshore to low cost production countries
for their finished products. This worrying trend shows no sign of abatement.
Other than the growing rental income from our properties, the Group depends
primarily on this source of profits as it represents the only remaining trading
operation. There are approximately £7.5 million of capital assets employed
which have to yield an acceptable return.
A continuing review is therefore necessary and remains a high priority on our
agenda, but hopefully the need for further rationalisation might well be
deferred until market conditions are clarified.
It was planned that Armitage would continue to operate on the basis that the
annual trading result was neutral, but cash would be generated from its
depreciation charge of some £200,000 per annum. However, trade proved
unrewarding, resulting in an operating loss of £159,000 before exceptionals
during the year.
Consequently, we accepted an invitation to merge the business with a
Huddersfield based competitor who also has dyeing and finishing facilities, and
formed a new company, Indygo Limited. Contracts were exchanged on 3 July 2003,
conditional on a successful completion of a consultation period with the
workforce under TUPE regulations. The new enlarged company will have economies
of scale under a similar cost structure and this should make it profitable.
Worthington will be providing the majority of Armitage's plant and machinery to
the new company, under an operating lease payable over five years in equal
monthly instalments; the cash generated will roughly equate to the depreciation
charge but now without the potential risk of the trading losses.
We have written off £224,000 of accelerated depreciation in these accounts. We
shall retain the property with a view to redevelopment and would expect a
surplus over book value.
We shall retain 35% of the equity of the new combined operation of Indygo
Limited and expect to receive dividends in due course when cashflow permits.
Our investment continues to be successful with our share of the profit after
interest totalling £194,000. We also received dividends of £44,000 in the
There is an annual charge of £29,000 being the amortisation of goodwill which is
being written off over a total of 10 years.
Selkirk Site
The Selkirk site consists of one large modern factory of 40,000 sq. ft. and
adjacent properties that need refurbishment, but we expect to conclude a sale of
the factory within the next few months, the proceeds of which should exceed the
book value. Offers are under consideration for the rest of the site.
We are in the process of letting the vacant areas of the Keighley site, formerly
occupied by Merralls and West Yorkshire Weavers and when fully leased we would
expect to receive rental income from the site of some £220,000 per annum. This
site (approximately 6 acres) could become quite valuable in the years to come
but first we shall have to apply for planning consent for change of use, and
then market it appropriately.
We have recently settled the claims against our former auditors for errors
arising out of the 1998 accounts and previous years. From the settlement
proceeds we will discharge our liabilities to Penmarric Plc. The net effect to
the Group is shown in the accounts as 'Other Income' of £1.694 million which
will be used to repay our overdraft and will still leave the Group in a cash
positive situation excluding of course our long-term loan and mortgage on the
Macclesfield property.
During the previous years we have received a number of setbacks, not least the
£3 million underpayment shortfall from The Independent Insurance Company on our
fire claim and this year the increased pension liabilities, so it has taken
longer to get a straight edge. Superimposed on these problem areas have been
the rationalisation programmes, asset write-offs and redundancy costs as the
Group endeavoured to find a new commercial equilibrium. We have come a long
way and preserved a significant amount of our assets but clearly the Group is
now at a crossroads regarding its future.
Shareholders' patience will be required because we have a risk averse management
strategy and cannot afford to take decisions which might jeopardise the improved
situation in which we now find ourselves. However, there are prospects with
emerging technologies which we find attractive but we need to find a cost
effective point of entry in order to have a sustainable future. We accept that
there is a need to re-invent ourselves speedily but we are taking a cautious and
prudent approach and actively seeking to find new businesses now that the Group
has been slimmed down and is consequently much more financially attractive.
We would like to thank our colleagues, staff and employees for their help and
J C Dwek CBE J R Taylor
Chairman Chief Executive
11 July 2003
Worthington Group plc
Joe Dwek CBE, Chairman Tel: 01625 549082
John Taylor, Tel: 01535 605271
Chief Executive Mob: 07768 383153
Worthington Group plc
Consolidated Profit & Loss Account
for the year ended 31 March 2003
Continuing Discontinued 2003 2002
Operations Operations £'000 £'000
£'000 £'000
Turnover 12,178 1,345 13,523 20,595
Cost of sales (9,209) (1,274) (10,483) (16,057)
Gross profit 2,969 71 3,040 4,538
Distribution costs (759) (135) (894) (1,846)
Administrative expenses excluding (2,874) (183) (3,057) (3,133)
exceptional items
Administrative expenses exceptional items (238) (102) (340) (946)
(3,112) (285) (3,397) (4,079)
Net other operating income exceptional item 1,694 - 1,694 -
Other operating income - - - 136
Group operating profit/(loss) 792 (349) 443 (1,251)
Share of operating profits of associated 238 - 238 237
Total operating profit/(loss): Group and 1,030 (349) 681 (1,014)
share of associated undertaking
Loss on disposal of fixed assets (7) - (7) (39)
Diminution in value of fixed assets - - - (400)
Profit/(loss) before interest and taxation 1,023 (349) 674 (1,453)
Interest payable and similar charges:
Group (21) (3) (24) (328)
Share of interest of associated (44) - (44) (57)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before 958 (352) 606 (1,838)
Taxation - 910
Share of taxation of associated undertaking (63) (45)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after 543 (973)
Dividends paid and proposed - -
Retained profit/(loss) for the year 543 (973)
(Loss)/earnings per share
- before exceptional items and disposals (0.7p) 0.3p
- after exceptional items 0.5p (0.8p)
Worthington Group plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet
At 31 March 2003
2003 2002
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets: negative goodwill (48) (56)
Tangible assets 6,754 7,912
Unlisted investment - 27
Interest in associated undertaking 785 698
785 725
7,491 8,581
Current assets
Stock 883 1,812
Debtors: amounts falling due after more than one 6,810 4,132
Debtors: amounts falling due within one year 935 833
Cash 2 743
8,630 7,520
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (6,297) (8,544)
Net current assets/(liabilities) 2,333 (1,024)
Total assets less current liabilities 9,824 7,557
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one (1,858) (134)
Net assets 7,966 7,423
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 11,807 11,807
Share premium account 9,836 9,836
Capital redemption reserve 128 128
Revaluation reserve 285 285
Profit and loss account (14,090) (14,633)
Shareholders' funds 7,966 7,423
Worthington Group plc
Consolidated Cashflow Statement
for the year ended 31 March 2003
2003 2002
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (341) 6,835
Dividends from associates 44 -
Returns on investments and servicing of finance:
Interest (paid) (12) (291)
Interest element of finance lease rental (payments) (12) (37)
(24) (328)
UK corporation tax repayment 199 46
Capital expenditure and financial investment:
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (net of finance (373) (3,283)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 700
327 (1,593)
Equity dividends paid - (59)
Net cash inflow before financing 205 4,901
Capital element of finance lease rental payments (220) (345)
Debt due within one year:
(Repayments)/receipt of short term borrowings (400) 650
Receipt of long term borrowings 1,817 -
Bill of exchange - (500)
Increase in cash in the year 1,402
Worthington Group plc
Notes forming part of the preliminary announcement for the year ended 31 March
1. Accounts
The financial information included within the preliminary
announcement has been prepared on the basis of accounting policies consistent
with those set out in the annual report to shareholders for the year ended 31
March 2003.
The financial information included within the preliminary
announcement does not constitute the group's audited statutory accounts for the
financial year ended 31 March 2003 or 31 March 2002. The financial information
for 2002 is derived from the statutory accounts for that period. Full audited
accounts of Worthington Group plc in respect of that period (which received an
unqualified audit opinion and did not contain a statement under either section
237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985) have been delivered to the registrar
of companies. The statutory accounts for 2003 will be finalised on the basis of
the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary
announcement and will be delivered to the registrar of companies following the
Company's annual general meeting. The board of directors approved this
preliminary announcement on 11 July 2003.
2. Turnover, Profits and Net Assets
Turnover and profit before taxation is attributable to the Group's
principal activities. Turnover is derived from the following markets:
2003 2002
£'000 £'000
United Kingdom 7,145 12,389
Eire and the rest of Europe 1,390 3,159
Rest of the World 4,988 5,047
13,523 20,595
A further analysis of turnover and pre-tax profits originating
overseas has not been given since, in the opinion of the directors, the amounts
involved are not material.
The principal activities of the Group are manufacture, importation
and distribution of textile components. These are regarded as a single activity
for segmental reporting purposes.
The net assets of the Group over this activity are as follows:
2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Manufacture, importation and distribution of textile components 7,966 7,423
3. Exceptional items included in continuing operations
2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Redundancy costs 14 -
Accelerated depreciation on fixed assets 224 -
238 -
4. Exceptional items included in discontinued operations
2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Provision against debtors and stocks 102 173
Provision for diminution in value of fixed assets 28 578
Other closure costs (28) 595
102 1,346
5. Net other operating income exceptional item
2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Settlement of action against former auditors 4,700 -
Less: claim by Penmarric Plc and associated costs (3,006) -
1,694 -
The Company reached a settlement with its former auditors for an
amount of £4,700,000 out of which £3,006,000 is payable to Penmarric Plc under
the Dispute Resolution Agreement.
6. Taxation
2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Adjustment in respect of prior periods - 910
Share of tax in associated undertaking (63) (45)
(63) 865
7. Dividends payable
2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Final proposed dividend of nil p per share on 118,070,163 shares (2002:
nil p per share on 118,070,163 shares) - -
6. Earnings per share
The earnings per share has been calculated using the weighted average number of
shares in issue during the relevant financial periods. The weighted average
number of shares in issue during the year was 118,070,163 (2002: 118,070,163)
and the profit after exceptional items and taxation was £543,000 (2002: loss
£973,000). The loss per share before exceptional items has been disclosed in the
accounts for the year ended 31 March 2003.
The diluted earnings per share are based on a weighted average number of shares
during the year of 118,070,163 (2002: 118,142,445).
7. Copies of the Annual Report
Copies of the Annual Report are available from the Company Secretary at the
registered office which is situated at Fence Avenue, Macclesfield, Cheshire,
SK10 1LW.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange