Interim Results
Worthington Group PLC
26 November 2001
The Group made an operating profit of approximately £90,000 but after allowing
for redundancies at Keighley and additional costs at Macclesfield caused
primarily by the return back to Fence Avenue, and the opening of the newly
built factory, the final outcome was a small loss of £77,000.
Our corporate strategy has obviously been deflected somewhat by the need to
address the funding problems caused by the demise of the Independent Insurance
Company. Non-performing assets, downsizing and the persistent search for cost
reduction has been the driving force behind much of our corporate decisions.
The Board consider that a totally ungeared Group with some cash generation has
to be the eventual outcome in order to achieve the ultimate objectives of a
new corporate profile. To this end we are pleased to confirm that the sale of
our Shipley site in September generated the £3.5million as expected.
The business of Gardiner of Selkirk, which has always been somewhat
precarious, has now been sold for a nominal amount, leaving us to wind up the
assets and liabilities. This realisation programme is currently being
completed and is expected to give a cash generation in the region of £900,000.
The losses at Gardiners in the half year amount to some £124,000. Although
this has been a seasonal business with profits coming through only in the
latter half of the financial year, the prognosis was never going to be
comfortable and the decision to close became inevitable.
There has been no significant change in the trading position of the other
subsidiaries since I reported to you last in the recent Annual Statement. It
is too early to say whether there will be any trading impact on our
subsidiaries following the horrific incidents in America on 11 September.
There is much talk of doom and gloom and suggestions of a forthcoming
recession, but the Group currently is not finding a problem with trading and
this may possibly be due to our niche markets and our strong position therein.
However, your Directors have to continue the work of restructuring this Group
and to this extent the unaudited results should be seen in that context alone.
The corporate profile of the Group has to change dramatically through
diversification but in the meantime we have to get the remaining assets to
Joe Dwek CBE
26 November 2001
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the six months ended 30 September 2001
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 30 31
September September March
. 2001 2000 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover: continuing operations 9,895 9,097 18,268
discontinued operations 611 2,017 3,103
10,506 11,114 21,371
Trading (loss)/profit
Existing operations (before exceptionals) (77) 419 969
Exceptional items - - (1,059)
Discontinued operations (124) (64) (1,350)
Operating (loss)/profit (201) 355 (1,440)
Share of profits of associated undertaking 77 91 201
Profit on disposal of fixed assets 55 - 3,796
Losses on disposal of discontinued operations (247) (697) (245)
(Loss)/profit before interest (316) (251) 2,312
Net interest payable and similar items (229) (240) 746)
(Loss)/profit before taxation (545) (491) 1,566
Taxation - - (66)
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after (545) (491) 1,500
Dividends paid and proposed - - (59)
Retained (loss) /profit (545) (491) 1,441
(Loss)/earnings per share
-before exceptional items and disposals (0.3p) 0.2p (0.2p)
-after exceptional items (0.5p) (0.4p) 1.3p
Recognised gains and losses
There are no recognised gains or losses in half year ended 30 September 2001,
other than those shown in the above profit and loss account.
Notes to the Interim Statement
1. The interim accounts have been prepared on the basis
of accounting policies set out in the Group's financial
statements for the year ended 31 March 2001. The interim
Accounts were approved by the Board on 26 November 2001 and
are unaudited.
Comparative figures for the half year ended 30 September
2000 are extracts from the interim accounts For that period
and are also unaudited.
Comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 2001 have
been extracted from the financial statements, which have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies. These were audited and
reported Upon without qualification by KPMG Audit Plc and did
not contain any statement under section 237 of the Companies
Act 1985.
2. The taxation charge is calculated by applying the
director's best estimate of the annual tax rate to the profit
for the period.
3. Earnings/(loss) per share is calculated by reference
to the average number of shares in issue in the Period,
amounting to 118,070,163 shares (six months to 30 September
2000: 118,070,163 shares) and on a loss after taxation of £
545,000 (six months to 30 September 2000: loss of £491,000).
4. Copies of this report and the last annual report and
accounts are available from The Secretary, Worthington Group
plc, Chatsworth Works, Dalton Lane, Keighley, BD21 4HR.
Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 30 September 2001
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
30 30 31 March
September September
2001 2000 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Negative goodwill (64) (72) (64)
Tangible assets 9,588 9,738 7,934
Unlisted investments 27 27 27
Interest in associated undertaking 639 589 563
10,190 10,282 8,460
Current assets
Stock 2,397 2,902 2,637
Debtors: amounts falling due after more than 812 1,061 850
one year
Debtors: amounts falling due within one year 5,498 7,445 9,932
Cash 6 6 6
8,713 11,414 13,425
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (10,832) (14,906) (13,239)
Net current liabilities (2,119) (3,492) 186
Total assets less current liabilities 8,071 6,790 8,646
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than (220) (452) (250)
one year
Net assets 7,851 6,338 8,396
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 11,807 11,807 11,807
Share premium account 9,836 9,836 9,836
Capital reserves 128 128 128
Revaluation reserve 737 737 737
Merger reserve - (713) -
Profit and loss account (14,657) (15,457) (14,112)
Shareholders' funds 7,851 6,338 8,396
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 30 September 2001
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
2001 2000 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 571 2,449 1,463
Returns on investments and servicing of (229) (240) (671)
Taxation - - -
Capital expenditure and financial 2,582 207 803
Acquisitions and disposals 72 - 988
Equity dividends paid - - (118)
Net cash inflow before financing 2,996 2,416 2,465
Financing (587) (3,609) (3,611)
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period 2,409 (1,193) (1,146)
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period 2,409 (1,193) (1,146)
Cash inflow from debt and finance leases 587 3,609 3,611
Change in net debt resulting from cash 2,996 2,416 2,465
Movement in net debt 2,996 2,416 2,449
Net debt 1 April (8,100) (10,549) (10,549)
Net debt 30 Sept/31 March (5,104) (8,133) (8,100)
Reconciliation of operating (loss)/profit to net cash flow from operating
Operating (loss)/profit (201) 355 (1,440)
Closure costs on termination of trading (247) (697) -
Depreciation and amortisation 375 456 869
Decrease in stocks 240 1,966 2,171
(Increase)/decrease in debtors (451) 2,906 4,182
Increase/(decrease) in creditors 855 (2,537) (4,319)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 571 2,449 1,463