Director Shareholding

Xaar PLC 29 March 2001 Notification of interests of directors and connected persons Name of Director Gordon MacLeod Finance Director This announcement discloses the interests in the share capital of Xaar plc ('the company') by Gordon MacLeod, Finance Director, by way of share options in the company. All options were granted to Mr MacLeod prior to his appointment as a Director of Xaar plc on 27 March 2001. Mr MacLeod has no other beneficial or non-beneficial interests in the shares of the company. Date Number Earliest Expiry Excer- Amount Type Other of of date of date cise paid of Details grant options exercise price for shares Option 20-Oct-98 48,380 20-Oct-01 20-Oct-08 62p Nil 10p Ord Approved options under Xaar plc 1997 Share Option Scheme 20-Oct-98 1,620 20-Oct-01 20-Oct-05 62p Nil 10p Ord Unapproved options under Xaar plc 1997 Share Option Scheme 16-Nov-98 11,625 01-Dec-01 31-May-02 50p Nil 10p Ord Share Save Options 17-Nov-99 4,211 01-Dec-02 31-May-03 92p Nil 10p Ord Share Save Options 16-Feb-01 200,000 16-Feb-04 16-Feb-08 160p Nil 10p Ord Unapproved options under Xaar plc 1997 Share Option Scheme Total shares under option 265,836 Contact for further details: Name and signature of authorised official responsible for this notification: Gordon MacLeod Finance Director Xaar plc Phone - 01223 437 281 G N MacLeod, Director 29-Mar-01


Xaar (XAR)
UK 100