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Xaar PLC 17 October 2000 Xaar plc Board Changes Xaar plc, the Cambridge-based inkjet technology company, has today announced the following board changes. It has been mutually agreed that Graham Wylie will resign as Chief Executive Officer with immediate effect. The Board has appointed Jan Fineman, previously Group Operations Director, as his successor. Commenting on the changes, Arie Rosenfeld, Chairman, said 'Graham has achieved a great deal in taking Xaar from its earliest days as a small R and D house to our position today as a key player at the forefront of the digital printing revolution. We thank him for all his efforts and dedication and wish him well for the future. The Board has now chosen Jan Fineman as the new Chief Executive to lead Xaar through the next exciting phase of its growth in rapidly changing markets. Inkjet is now widely accepted as a key technology for the entire printing industry, not just desktop printing; Xaar has enormous potential to emerge as one of the leading players in a global industry that is now demanding digital solutions. We believe that Jan and the senior executive team have the right skills to capitialise on that potential.' Jan Fineman, aged 41, is a Swedish national, who has had responsibility for all aspects of operations at Xaar, including technology development, engineering and manufacturing. He has been with Xaar since April 1999 when the company of which he was Managing Director, Modular Ink Technology (MIT), was acquired by Xaar. Prior to joining MIT, he held senior technical, operational, strategic planning and general management roles in the life science instrumentation division of Pharmacia, (subsequently spun out as Biacore AB), and the semiconductor division of ABB. He holds an MSc in chemical engineering for The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Xaar Arie Rosenfeld, Chairman 01223-423663 Jonathan Lowe, Finance Director Buchanan Communications Lisa Baderoon 020-7466-5000


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