Final Results

Northgate PLC 5 July 2000 Contacts: Steve Smith, Managing Director Phil Moorhouse, Finance Director Tel: 020 7831 3113 (on 5/7/00) Northgate plc Tel: 01325 467558 (thereafter) Peter Otero/Steve Jacobs Financial Dynamics Tel: 020 7831 3113 NORTHGATE PLC Preliminary Results for the year ended 30th April 2000 Northgate plc, the UK's leading specialist in light commercial vehicle hire, announces its preliminary results for the year ended 30th April 2000. * Pre-tax profit up 46% to £24.3m (1999: £16.6m) * Operating profit up 33% to £37.9m (1999: £28.6m) * Earnings per share up 48% to 27.9p (1999: 18.9p) * Strong gross cash flows with EBITDA at £152.6m up by 24% * Fleet increased by 22% to 32,500 vehicles (1999: 26,600 vehicles) Chairman Michael Waring comments: 'Last year we embarked on a five year strategy for growth in which our stated aim was to double the size of the business. The organisational structure that has been put in place to ensure the sound management of this strategy is proving effective and will allow us to continue on course to achieve this target. Since January this year we have seen an improvement in underlying hire rates. With demand for our hire product, NORFLEX, remaining strong, prospects for the future development of our business remain very encouraging.' CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Last year the board embarked on a five-year strategy for growth in which our stated aim was to double the size of the business. The organisational structure that has been put in place to ensure the sound management of this strategy is proving effective and will allow us to continue on course to achieve this target. Our pre-tax profits have grown by 46% to £24.3m (1999: £16.6m), our fleet at 30th April had increased by 22% to 32,500 vehicles (1999: 26,600) and the number of operational sites had increased by 11 to 41. The steps undertaken to improve our performance on the sale of used vehicles have also been successful. With earnings per share at 27.9 p (1999: 18.9p) the board has decided to propose a final dividend of 9.07p (1999: 8.5p) to shareholders on the register at close of business on 21st July 2000, making a total dividend for the year of 13.25p (1999: 12.5p) Your Board is proposing to introduce a new share option scheme, broadly similar to the Executive Incentive Scheme which was approved at the Annual General Meeting last year, to replace the existing Long Term Incentive Plan. In addition, as was indicated in last year's report and accounts, we are also proposing to shareholders a new all-employee share scheme, in line with the Government's proposals to be contained in the 2000 Finance Act. We firmly believe that wider share ownership by all our staff will have long term benefits for the company, shareholders and, of course, the staff themselves. We will continue to embrace the internet and its related benefits to the extent that it will create efficiencies within our business by improving both communication with our suppliers and the service we can provide to our customers. However, we will not lose sight of the fact that the internet is intended to support the efficiencies of the existing operations where we must continue to supply the right product to customers based on personal service. Since January this year we have seen some improvement in underlying hire rates. With demand for our hire product, NORFLEX, remaining strong, prospects for the future development of our business remain very encouraging. Michael Waring Chairman OPERATIONAL REVIEW New locations We planned to open three hire companies and six smaller branches over the past year. We have exceeded these targets and have, in fact, opened and commenced trading from 4 new hire companies in Preston, Croydon, Barking and Ipswich and branches in 7 other locations. The branch roll-out programme has developed particularly well and confirms our view that this structure is the most appropriate to take our business forward and to achieve the network of 100 locations envisaged in our five-year plan. Since the year end we have opened 3 further locations and now operate from 35 hire companies and 9 branches with good overall coverage of most of the United Kingdom. Fleet growth In the year to 30th April 2000, our fleet has increased by 22% to 32,500 vehicles. This has been achieved by a mixture of organic growth from businesses open at 1st May 1999 (3,500 vehicles), growth from the new depots referred to above (1,875 vehicles) and from the purchase of the commercial vehicle fleet of Europcar in July 1999 (525 vehicles). The Europcar transaction involved us purchasing their light commercial vehicle fleet and renting it back to them thereby allowing them to concentrate on their core business of car rental. Whilst the fleet has grown substantially, the mix has remained largely unchanged, with light commercial vehicles (up to 3.5 tonnes) representing 80% of the fleet. The balance of the fleet is made up of cars and other commercials, primarily 7.5 tonne vehicles. Through buy-back arrangements, we have eliminated any residual risk on this heavier vehicle category. Despite the large number of new and 'immature' depots, we have maintained our utilisation levels at around 90%. This tight control remains key to our successful management of the business. Hire rates The early part of this year has seen some signs of improvement in hire rates. Following a period of relatively stable prices we believe that, whilst the market remains competitive, there is an opportunity for us to obtain some modest hire rate increases in the next 12 months. Used vehicle sales One of our key objectives for the year was the reduction of losses on the sale of used vehicles. Our target at the start of the financial year was to reach a balanced position for ongoing disposals by the close of the year. We are pleased to report that, through a combination of higher depreciation rates (applied since 1st May 1998), the extension of the average vehicle replacement period and an improvement in management techniques in the vehicle sales division, we have achieved our target in all material respects. We launched 'Norcom', our new disposal centre for refurbished vehicles on 1st May 2000. Early results from this operation combined with the factors above give us confidence that we can maintain our balanced position on disposals in the coming year. The future The Board remains convinced that the light commercial vehicle rental market is well short of the maturity of the equivalent market in the United States and of its associated sector, the car rental industry in the United Kingdom. We therefore remain confident that the market will continue to grow to enable us to achieve our five year growth objective. Included among the factors currently fuelling the growth in the rental market for light commercial vehicles is the development of the home shopping trade through the Internet and cable TV. Fulfilment is the key to the success or failure of e-business and the flexibility offered by NORFLEX is particularly suited to e-retailers wishing to 1develop in this area. Alternatively, should e-retailers choose major logistics companies to distribute their goods, then these businesses are already amongst our largest customers. We developed our first website in 1996. We now have sites for Northgate plc, NORFLEX, our vehicle sales division and our central reservations facility. Further development of on-line booking for all our operations will be completed within the next 12 months. We continue to believe our success is, in no small part, due to the flexible approach we adopt to meeting customers' needs. This approach demands people be willing, and able, to make decisions and we therefore encourage an entrepreneurial culture throughout the business, which is then integrated into our framework of key operational and financial controls. At the end of the first year, our five-year strategy for growth is on schedule and we look forward to continuing the expansion of the business in the year ahead. FINANCIAL REVIEW Operating profit Operating profit grew by 33%, increasing to £37.9m (1999: £28.6m). This reflected the increase in revenue earned both from locations open at the beginning of the year and those which commenced trading during the period. The number of locations opened was greater than planned, with resultant higher start up costs. The full benefit of these openings will flow through in subsequent years. Operating margin at 14.5% showed an improvement over the previous year (13.1%). This is mainly a reflection of the improvement in the disposal of used vehicles during the period referred to in the Operational Review. Interest The net interest charge for the year was £13.6m, an increase of 13.4% over 1999. The increase resulted from the continuing growth in the vehicle fleet, while we benefited from lower average base rates in the period. To manage exposure to interest rates, our policy is to have in place financial instruments covering a proportion of our borrowings over the longer term. These currently consist of a combination of Caps, Collars and Swaps. Taxation The tax charge of £7.4m comprises tax payable on the profit on ordinary activities and, as in previous years, includes a full charge for deferred tax. The effective rate of tax is 30.5% and represents the UK corporation tax rate adjusted for minor disallowable items. We estimate the effective rate going forward will be 31% and we anticipate that this will not be significantly affected by the proposed deferred taxation accounting standard, currently FRED 19, as full provision is already made. Earnings per share The calculated earnings per share for the year was 27.9p - an increase of 48% on the 1999 figure of 18.9p. A final dividend of 9.07p is proposed making a total dividend for the year of 13.25p, an increase of 6% over last year. The dividend is 2.1 (1999:1.5) times covered. Cash flow and funding We continue to generate strong gross cash flows. EBITDA for the year was £152.6m, up by £29.1m from 1999. Vehicle depreciation in the period amounted to £107.6m, which is based upon depreciation rates ranging from 20% to 33% on a straight line basis across the fleet. This £152.6m contributed to the levels of investment in capital expenditure of £217m, invested mainly in the vehicle rental fleet but also in the expansion of the depot network. Our borrowings increased by 24% to £213.7m in line with fleet growth. The finance facilities available to the group are a mixture of hire purchase funding, revolving loans and overdraft, secured primarily against the value of the vehicle hire fleet. We have sufficient headroom within our current facilities to finance our expansion plans. The vehicle hire fleet consists mainly of light commercial vehicles which are readily saleable through our own vehicle sales company. This liquidity of the vehicle hire fleet and the management of interest rate exposure readily support the level of gearing at 189% which is low compared to the industry norm. Interest cover was 2.8 times. Change of accounting policy Manufacturers' volume related bonuses, previously credited to profits on receipt, are now spread over the life of the asset to which they relate. This change of accounting policy was as a result of the introduction during the year of FRS15. Cash flows and EBITDA remain unchanged under this new policy. There is now a deferred income credit of £49.4m in the balance sheet to be released to profit over the life of the current vehicle rental fleet. Throughout these accounts, the comparative figures for 1999 have, where appropriate, been restated to reflect this change of accounting policy. Year 2000 In the last annual report and accounts the directors reported on the Year 2000 and they continue to monitor the situation. As at the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any significant factors which have arisen, or that may arise, which will affect the activities of the business. Whilst any future costs associated with this issue cannot be quantified they are not anticipated to be significant. NORTHGATE PLC: PRELIMINARY RESULTS GROUP PROFIT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDED 30TH APRIL 2000 2000 1999 £000 £000 (restated) TURNOVER 260,794 218,623 OPERATING PROFIT 37,942 28,620 INTEREST PAYABLE -NET (13,617) (12,010) PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 24,325 16,610 Taxation - UK 7,429 5,167 PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 16,896 11,443 NORTHGATE PLC: PRELIMINARY RESULTS GROUP PROFIT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDED 30TH APRIL 2000 (continued) 2000 1999 £000 £000 (restated) PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 16,896 11,443 DIVIDENDS Preference paid 25 21 Interim paid 2,528 2,409 Final proposed 5,486 5,131 8,039 7,561 PROFIT TRANSFERRED TO RESERVES 8,857 3,882 EARNINGS PER ORDINARY SHARE - BASIC 27.9p 18.9p (see note) DILUTED EARNINGS PER ORDINARY SHARE 27.8p 18.8p (see note) DIVIDENDS PER ORDINARY SHARE Interim paid 4.18p 4.00p Final proposed 9.07p 8.50p TOTAL DIVIDEND FOR YEAR 13.25p 12.50p NORTHGATE PLC: PRELIMINARY RESULTS SUMMARY CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 30TH APRIL 2000 2000 1999 £000 £000 (restated) Fixed assets 344,147 295,691 Current assets 75,636 77,544 Creditors : amounts falling due within one year (108,166) (92,449) Net current liabilities (32,530) (14,905) Total assets less current liabilities 311,617 280,786 Creditors : amounts falling due after more than one year (142,828) (125,287) Provisions for liabilities and charges (6,626) (7,718) Accruals and deferred income (49,359) (43,926) 112,804 103,855 Called up share capital 3,532 3,530 Share premium account 44,992 44,902 Reserves 64,280 55,423 Shareholders' funds 112,804 103,855 Net borrowings (213,736) (172,816) NORTHGATE PLC: PRELIMINARY RESULTS RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDED 30TH APRIL 2000 2000 1999 £000 £000 (restated) PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 16,896 11,443 Dividends (8,039) (7,561) 8,857 3,882 Issue of ordinary share capital (net 92 609 of expenses) NET INCREASE IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 8,949 4,491 OPENING SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS As previously reported 134,164 122,155 Prior period adjustment (30,309) (22,791) As restated 103,855 99,364 CLOSING SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 112,804 103,855 NORTHGATE PLC: PRELIMINARY RESULTS CONSOLIDATED CASHFLOW STATEMENT FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDED 30TH APRIL 2000 2000 1999 £000 £000 £000 £000 (restated) CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING 144,914 126,273 ACTIVITIES RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE (13,079) (11,551) TAXATION (6,309) (7,606) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Purchase of vehicles for hire (112,941) (138,448) Sale of vehicles for hire 58,805 53,515 Other items (net) (5,087) (1,894) NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT (59,223) (86,827) EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID (7,659) (7,214) CASH INFLOW BEFORE USE OF LIQUID RESOURCES AND FINANCING 58,644 13,075 MANAGEMENT OF LIQUID RESOURCES Cash (placed on) /withdrawn from (9) 153 deposit FINANCING Issue of ordinary shares (net of 92 609 expenses) Increase in borrowings 421 21,546 Capital element of vehicle related hire purchase payments (73,586) (44,362) NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM FINANCING (73,073) (22,207) DECREASE IN CASH FOR THE YEAR (14,438) (8,979) NORTHGATE PLC: PRELIMINARY RESULTS RECONCILIATION OF NET CASHFLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT 2000 1999 £000 £000 (restated) DECREASE IN CASH FOR THE YEAR (14,438) (8,979) FINANCING Increase in borrowings (421) (21,546) Capital element of vehicle related hire purchase payments 73,586 44,362 Cash withdrawn from deposit 9 (153) Change in net debt resulting from cashflows 58,736 13,684 New hire purchase obligations (99,656) (61,290) MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT FOR THE YEAR (40,920) (47,606) NET DEBT AT 1st MAY 1999 (172,816) (125,210) NET DEBT AT 30th APRIL 2000 (213,736) (172,816) NORTHGATE PLC: PRELIMINARY RESULTS NOTES Earnings per ordinary share The calculation of basic earnings per ordinary share in respect of the year to 30th April 2000 is based on the profit attributable to equity shareholders of £16,871,000 (1999: £11,422,000) and the weighted average of 60,405,822 (1999: 60,374,894) ordinary shares in issue (excluding those shares held by an employee trust in connection with the Goode Durrant Long Term Incentive Plan). Diluted earnings per ordinary share have been calculated on the basis of earnings described above and assume that 358,000 (1999: 395,000) shares remaining exercisable under the Goode Durrant Share Option Scheme had been fully exercised at the commencement of the relevant period, such that the weighted average number of shares is 60,721,888 (1999: 60,762,101) (including those shares held by the employee trust in connection with the Goode Durrant Long Term Incentive Plan). The results for the years to 30th April 2000 and 30th April 1999 and the balance sheets at those dates are abridged. Full accounts for these periods have been prepared on which the Auditors of the company have made unqualified reports and which did not include a statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The Accounts for the year ended 30th April 1999 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Report and Accounts will be mailed to shareholders not later than 14th July 2000. Michael Waring Chairman Phil Moorhouse Finance Director


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