Interim Results

Northgate PLC 17 January 2000 Contacts: Steve Smith, Managing Director Phil Moorhouse, Finance Director Northgate plc Tel: 020 7831 3113 (on 17.01.2000) Tel: 01325 467558 (thereafter) Steve Jacobs/Peter Otero Financial Dynamics Tel: 020 7831 3113 NORTHGATE PLC Interim Results Northgate plc, the UK's leading specialist commercial vehicle hire group, announces its results for the six months ended 31 October 1999. 1999 H1 1998 H1 £m £m Turnover pre-FRS15 126.3 116.6 Adjusted turnover 123.1 109.0 EBITDA pre-FRS15 73.2 60.3 Adjusted EBITDA 73.2 60.3 Profit before tax pre-FRS15 15.4 15.1 Adjusted profit before tax 12.2 7.5 Deferred income pre-FRS15 - - Adjusted deferred income 47.1 40.6 Net operating cashflow pre-FRS15 60.4 53.8 Adjusted net operating cashflow 60.4 53.8 Earnings per share pre-FRS15 17.8p 17.1p Adjusted earnings per share 14.1p 8.4p Dividend per share 4.18p 4.00p Net assets per share pre-FRS15 234.9p 215.5p Adjusted net assets per share 181.3p 169.1p Chairman Michael Waring comments: 'We have surpassed our expectations particularly in respect of depot openings, fleet growth, market share and conversion of new customers to NORFLEX. By the end of the year we expect to be operating from 33 hire companies and 6 branches, providing us with even wider geographic coverage and a solid base from which to continue the implementation of our strategic plan for growth. This, coupled with our ongoing marketing and focus on customer service, allow us to remain confident of our prospects for the full year and beyond.' CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT This is the first statement made by your company under its new name of NORTHGATE plc. It is also the first reporting period of our five year strategy for growth which I outlined in my last Chairman's Statement. We have surpassed our expectations particularly in respect of depot openings, fleet growth, market share and conversion of new customers to NORFLEX. Results On a basis comparable with the corresponding period (pre FRS15), group operating profit was £21.6m (1998: £21.1m) on revenues of £126.3m (1998: £116.6m). Pre-tax profits of £15.4m (1998: £15.1m) and earnings per share at 17.8p (1998: 17.1p) are marginally ahead of our expectations. As a result of the substantial growth in the fleet, gearing has risen to 147% compared to 129% at the year end. Net cash flow from operating activities increased to £60.4m (1998: £53.8m). Interest cover was maintained at 3.5 times. In the past our profits were weighted towards the first half of the year. In my last statement I indicated that this was likely to alter as a result of the industry change in vehicle registration dates. The view I expressed then that 'profits are likely to be more evenly balanced or even have a slight bias to the second half of the financial year' remains unchanged. This is also likely to apply under the new accounting policy. We are amongst the first of companies in the rental industry to report following the introduction during the year of FRS15 'Tangible Fixed Assets', which applies to companies reporting for financial years ending after 23 March 2000. The change is explained under 'Accounting Policy' later in my statement, with the financial effects being fully disclosed in Note 5. After adjusting for FRS15, group operating profit for the period was £18.4m (1998: £13.6m) on revenues of £123.1m (1998: £109.0m), pre-tax profit £12.2m (1998:£7.5m) and earnings per share at 14.1p (1998: 8.4p). Net cash flow from operating activities, which is unaffected by FRS15, increased to £60.4m (1998: £53.8m). Dividend Your board is declaring an interim dividend of 4.18p (1998: 4.00p) per share, an increase of 4.5%, payable on 18 February 2000 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 28 January 2000. Operational review During the period the strong demand for the group's product, NORFLEX, continued. We have gained not only customers new to commercial vehicle rental but also increased our market share. This has resulted in a 12.5% increase over the period in the vehicle hire fleet to in excess of 30,000 vehicles at 31 October 1999. The year on year increase was 30%. In line with our five year strategy for growth, we have opened further hire companies in Preston and Croydon and four additional smaller branches or satellite sites, which are all performing in line with expectations. Other properties have been acquired, or identified, to allow us to achieve our target of opening three new primary sites and six new branches in the current financial year. Utilisation remains key to the success of the business and we can once again report that we have maintained utilisation of close to 90%. Hire rates have remained relatively unchanged throughout the six month period despite continued competitive pressures. The higher depreciation rates applied since 1 May 1998, the gradual extension of the average vehicle replacement period and improved selling and management techniques introduced within our used vehicle operations have had the expected effect of reducing losses on the sale of used vehicles, despite the continuing uncertainty in the market place. Subject to no significant deterioration in the used vehicle market in the next six months, we would expect the progressive elimination of losses to continue. Accounting policy As our shareholders are aware, we have always accounted for support payments from vehicle manufacturers (known in the industry as volume related bonuses) as a direct credit to the profit and loss account in the month in which they were receivable. As a result of the introduction of FRS15 and following discussions with our auditors, we have been required to change our accounting policy in respect of the treatment of these receipts. The effect of the change is to alter the timing of income recognition by spreading the benefit of these receipts over a period equal to the estimated holding period of a vehicle. While neither vehicle holding costs nor cash flows are affected by this change, the policy requires a transfer within the balance sheet from the profit and loss account to a deferred income account to be released over the estimated holding period of the vehicles. Although borrowings remain unchanged, the consequent reduction in shareholders' funds by the creation of the deferred income account results in gearing at the end of the period of 191% compared to 166% at the year end. The detailed figures which follow have been produced to comply with the new accounting policy set out above. Note 5 to the accounts shows a full reconciliation between the reported numbers and those figures which would have been reported had we adopted policies consistent with previous periods. Outlook By the end of the year we expect to be operating from 33 hire companies and 6 branches providing us with even wider geographic coverage and a solid base from which to continue the implementation of our strategic plan for growth. The benefits customers derive from NORFLEX, coupled with our ongoing marketing and focus on customer service, allow us to remain confident of our prospects for the full year and beyond. NORTHGATE PLC FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS New accounting policy Previous accounting policy applied* Six Six Six Six months to months to months to months to 31.10.99 31.10.98 31.10.99 31.10.98 £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover £123.1m £109.0m £126.3m £116.6m EBITDA** £73.2m £60.3m £73.2m £60.3m Operating profit £18.4m £13.6m £21.6m £21.1m Profit before tax £12.2m £7.5m £15.4m £15.1m Deferred income** £47.1m £40.6m - - Earnings per share 14.1p 8.4p 17.8p 17.1p Dividends per share 4.18p 4.00p 4.18p 4.00p Net assets per share 181.3p 169.1p 234.9p 215.5p Net cash inflow from operating activities £60.4m £53.8m £60.4m £53.8m To enable our shareholders to fully understand the underlying business performance and growth trends the financial highlights are shown as reported in the financial statements after an accounting policy change (required as a result of the introduction of FRS 15) compared to the figures which would have been reported on a basis consistent with accounting policies applied at 30 April 1999. * See Chairman's Statement and note 5. ** Deferred income represents volume related bonuses already received now being carried forward to future accounting years. Note 5 shows the full effects of this change in policy. The movement in deferred income for the period has been added back to EBITDA as the cash generation of the business is not affected by this change in policy. NORTHGATE PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Six Six Twelve months to months to months to 31.10.99 31.10.98 30.4.99 Restated Restated Notes (Unaudited) (Unaudited) £000 £000 £000 Turnover 1 123,085 109,039 218,623 Operating profit 1 18,440 13,579 28,620 Interest payable, net (6,244) (6,049) (12,010) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 12,196 7,530 16,610 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 2 (3,682) (2,444) (5,167) Profit attributable to shareholders 8,514 5,086 11,443 Dividends - non-equity preference shares (12) (9) (21) - equity ordinary shares (2,534) (2,414) (7,540) Profit transferred to reserves 5,968 2,663 3,882 Earnings per ordinary share - basic 3 14.1p 8.4p 18.9p Diluted earnings per ordinary share 3 14.0p 8.4p 18.8p Adjusted earnings per ordinary share 3 17.8p 17.1p 31.4p Dividends per ordinary share 4.18p 4.00p 12.50p All trading relates to continuing operations NORTHGATE PLC SUMMARY CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31.10.99 31.10.98 30.4.99 Restated Restated (Unaudited) (Unaudited) £000 £000 £000 Fixed Assets Vehicles for hire 319,983 258,737 286,670 Other tangible assets and investments 10,301 9,172 9,021 330,284 267,909 295,691 Current Assets Stocks 4,339 7,406 3,663 Debtors 60,015 61,910 54,932 Investments 15 20 15 Cash at bank and in hand 11,476 23,066 18,934 75,845 92,402 77,544 Creditors : amounts falling due within one year 103,226 90,958 92,449 Net current (liabilities)/assets (27,381) 1,444 (14,905) Total assets less current liabilities 302,903 269,353 280,786 Creditors : amounts falling due after more than one year 138,174 121,376 125,287 Provisions for liabilities and charges 7,718 5,330 7,718 Accruals and deferred income (note 5) 47,134 40,582 43,926 109,877 102,065 103,855 Capital and reserves 109,877 102,065 103,855 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENT IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS Six Six Twelve months to months to months to 31.10.99 31.10.98 30.4.99 Restated Restated (Unaudited) (Unaudited) £000 £000 £000 Profit for the period 8,514 5,086 11,443 Dividends (2,546) (2,423) (7,561) 5,968 2,663 3,882 Issue of ordinary share capital (net of expenses) 54 38 609 Net increase in shareholders' funds 6,022 2,701 4,491 Opening shareholders' funds: As previously reported 134,164 122,155 122,155 Prior Year Adjustment (note 5) (30,309) (22,791) (22,791) As restated 103,855 99,364 99,364 Closing shareholders' funds 109,877 102,065 103,855 NORTHGATE PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Six Six Twelve months to months to months to 31.10.99 31.10.98 30.4.99 Restated Restated (Unaudited) (Unaudited) £000 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 60,390 53,773 126,273 Returns on investments and servicing of finance (5,676) (5,699) (11,551) Taxation 43 (1,119) (7,606) Capital expenditure (40,785) (26,639) (86,827) Equity dividends paid (5,092) (4,805) (7,214) Management of liquid resources 23 (4,777) 153 Financing (27,424) (22,408) (22,207) Decrease in cash for the period (18,521) (11,674) (8,979) RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT Decrease in cash for the period (18,521) (11,674) (8,979) Increase in borrowings (6,178) (6,216) (21,546) Capital element of vehicle related hire purchase payments 33,655 28,662 44,362 Cash (withdrawn from)/placed on deposit (23) 4,777 (153) Change in net debt resulting from cash flows 8,933 15,549 13,684 New hire purchase obligations (45,519) (49,438) (61,290) Movement in net debt for the period (36,586) (33,889) (47,606) Opening net debt (172,816) (125,210) (125,210) Closing net debt (209,402) (159,099) (172,816) RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating profit before exceptional items 18,440 13,579 28,620 Depreciation 51,566 39,183 83,950 (Increase)/decrease in working capital (12,824) (6,541) 2,944 Exceptional and other items - - (137) Movement in deferred income reserve 3,208 7,552 10,896 Net cash inflow from operating activities 60,390 53,773 126,273 NORTHGATE PLC UNAUDITED NOTES 1. Segmental Analysis Turnover and operating profit arise exclusively from vehicle hire. 2. Tax The charge for taxation for the six months to 31 October 1999 is based on the estimated effective rate for the relevant year. 3.Earnings per ordinary share The calculation of earnings per ordinary share for the six months to 31 October 1999 is based on the profit attributable to equity shareholders of £8,502,000 (31.10.98 - £5,077,000) (30.4.99 - £11,422,000) and the weighted average of 60,364,329 (31.10.98 - 60,108,743) (30.4.99 - 60,374,894) ordinary shares in issue (excluding those shares held by an employee trust in connection with the Goode Durrant Long Term Incentive Plan). Diluted earnings per ordinary share have been calculated on the basis of earnings described above and assume that 375,000 shares remaining exercisable under the Goode Durrant Share Option Scheme had been fully exercised at the commencement of the relevant period, such that the weighted average number of shares is 60,789,290 (including those shares held by an employee trust in connection with the Goode Durrant Long Term Incentive Plan). Adjusted earnings per ordinary share ignores the effect of the accounting policy change on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders. Six Six Twelve months to months to months to 31.10.99 31.10.98 30.4.99 Earnings per ordinary share - basic 14.1p 8.4p 18.9p Earnings deferred under new accounting policy (note 5) 3.7p 8.7p 12.5p Adjusted earnings per ordinary share 17.8p 17.1p 31.4p 4.Basis of preparation The interim results have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the last annual report and accounts together with any changes arising from the Financial Reporting Standards issued to date. Except for the effect of FRS 15 detailed in note 5, those subsequent Accounting Standards have not resulted in any change in Accounting Policies or estimates. The figures for the year ended 30 April 1999 are based on the statutory accounts for that year, adjusted as necessary to reflect the effect of the change in accounting policy set out in note 5. The auditors' report on these accounts was unqualified and a copy has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 5.Change of Accounting Policy The restatement represents the effect of a change in the accounting policy for volume related bonus receipts following the issue in February 1999 of FRS 15 Tangible Fixed Assets by the Accounting Standards Board. The group receives volume related bonuses from vehicle manufacturers. In the past, these receipts have been credited through turnover to the profit and loss account in the same period as the related vehicles were purchased. However, FRS 15 requires that these receipts be spread over the economic lives of the vehicles purchased. Accordingly, the accounting policy has been changed to credit the profit and loss account with volume related bonuses received over the expected holding period of the vehicles to which they relate on a basis consistent with the group's disposal policy. This change in accounting policy results in part of the volume related bonuses received that relate to vehicles purchased in a year now being carried forward to future accounting years as deferred income. The prior year adjustment gives rise to a cumulative debit adjustment to shareholders' funds of £30.3 million, of which £7.5 million relates to 1999 and the balance of £22.8 million relates to 1998 and prior periods and creates deferred income available for release in future accounting periods of £43.9 million. The comparative figures for 1999 have been restated in accordance with the new policy resulting in a decrease in profit before tax of £10.9 million and a decrease in the profit attributable to shareholders of £7.5 million. Had the new policy not been adopted in the current period, the profit before tax and the profit attributable to shareholders would have been £15.4 million and £10.7 million respectively. Net cash inflow from operating activities is unaffected. Prior year adjustment effect on shareholders' funds 31.10.99 31.10.98 30.4.99 Restated Restated £000 £000 £000 Deferred income at 1 May 1999 43,926 - - Prior year adjustment - deferred income - 33,030 33,030 Current period net deferment 3,208 7,552 10,896 Deferred income at 31 October 1999 47,134 40,582 43,926 Tax deferred thereon 14,612 12,580 13,617 Net effect on shareholders' funds 32,522 28,002 30,309 Results prior to the change in accounting policy 31.10.99 31.10.98 30.4.99 £000 £000 £000 Profit and loss Turnover 126,293 116,591 229,519 Operating profit 21,648 21,131 39,516 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 15,404 15,082 27,506 Profit attributable to shareholders 10,728 10,297 18,961 EPS 17.8p 17.1p 31.4p Balance Sheet Fixed assets 330,284 267,909 295,691 Net current liabilities (35,580) (11,136) (28,522) Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 144,587 121,376 125,287 Provisions for liabilities and charges 7,718 5,330 7,718 Capital and reserves 142,399 130,067 134,164 Cashflow Operating profit before exceptional items 21,648 21,131 39,516 Depreciation 51,566 39,183 83,950 (Increase)/decrease in working capital (12,824) (6,541) 2,807 Net cash inflow from operating activities 60,390 53,773 126,273 Five Year Summary Based on the consolidated financial statements for the 12 months ended 30 April and adjusted to reflect the effect of the change in accounting policy. 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover 218,623 192,549 130,529 99,494 79,772 Operating profit before exceptional items 28,620 30,295 22,682 19,408 15,272 Associated undertakings - - 174 202 546 Interest (12,010) (10,671) (6,657) (3,996) (2,999) Profit before exceptional items and taxation 16,610 19,624 16,199 15,614 12,819 Exceptional items - 2,000 814 226 (2,139) Profit before taxation - restated 16,610 21,624 17,013 15,840 10,680 Profit before taxation - as reported 27,506 31,460 25,513 21,268 14,180 Profit before taxation - restated for FRS 15 16,610 21,624 17,013 15,840 10,680 Transferred to Deferred Income 10,896 9,836 8,500 5,428 3,500 Cumulative deferred income (note 5) 43,926 33,030 23,194 14,694 9,266* * includes £5,766,000 relating to pre 1995 Year 2000 In the last annual report and accounts the directors reported on the Year 2000. The directors continue to monitor the situation, however, as at the date of this report, the directors are not aware of any significant factors which have arisen, or that may arise, which will affect the activities of the business. Any future costs associated with this issue cannot be quantified but are not anticipated to be significant. NORTHGATE PLC INDEPENDENT REVIEW REPORT TO NORTHGATE PLC Introduction We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information set out on pages 2 to 6 and we have read the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information. Directors' responsibilities The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors. The Listing Rules of the London Stock Exchange require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed. Review work performed We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information. Review conclusion On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months ended 31 October 1999. Deloitte & Touche Chartered Accountants 10-12 East Parade Leeds LS1 2AJ 14 January 2000


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