Time Source Company Announcement
03 Jul 2024 05:10 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 05:10 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 05:10 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 05:09 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 05:09 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 05:08 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 05:08 PM Holding(s) in Company
03 Jul 2024 05:07 PM Dividend Declaration
03 Jul 2024 05:07 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 05:05 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 05:04 PM Result of AGM
03 Jul 2024 05:04 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 05:03 PM Annual Financial Report
03 Jul 2024 05:03 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 05:03 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 05:02 PM Director/PDMR Shareholding
03 Jul 2024 05:01 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 05:00 PM Transaction in Own Shares & Total Voting Rights
03 Jul 2024 05:00 PM Notice of AGM and posting of Annual Report
03 Jul 2024 04:59 PM Director/PDMR Shareholding
03 Jul 2024 04:58 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 04:57 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 04:57 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 04:57 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 04:55 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 04:54 PM Top Fifteen Equity Holdings and Exposures
03 Jul 2024 04:51 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 04:46 PM Director/PDMR Shareholding
03 Jul 2024 04:45 PM Directorate Change
03 Jul 2024 04:43 PM Issue of Equity
03 Jul 2024 04:38 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 04:35 PM Transaction in Own Shares
03 Jul 2024 04:35 PM Issue of Equity
03 Jul 2024 04:32 PM Issue of Equity
03 Jul 2024 04:27 PM Doc re. LSC Elections
03 Jul 2024 04:27 PM Block listing Interim Review
03 Jul 2024 04:25 PM Holding(s) in Company
03 Jul 2024 04:23 PM Result of General Meeting
03 Jul 2024 04:22 PM Extension to Put up or Shut up Deadline
03 Jul 2024 04:20 PM Publication of Scheme Document
03 Jul 2024 04:20 PM Conclusion of Second Round Restricted Discussions
03 Jul 2024 04:18 PM Response to Movement in Share Price
03 Jul 2024 04:14 PM Restrictions on interconnector capacity
03 Jul 2024 04:13 PM Holding(s) in Company
03 Jul 2024 04:13 PM Voting Results of the AGM
03 Jul 2024 04:11 PM Director/PDMR Shareholding
03 Jul 2024 04:00 PM Result of AGM
03 Jul 2024 04:00 PM Director/PDMR Shareholding-Amendment
03 Jul 2024 03:58 PM Director/PDMR Shareholding
03 Jul 2024 03:58 PM Holding(s) in Company
UK 100

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