Time Source Company Announcement
23 May 2024 07:00 AM Transaction in Own Shares
23 May 2024 07:00 AM Transaction in Own Shares
23 May 2024 07:00 AM Transaction in Own Shares
23 May 2024 07:00 AM Transaction in Own Shares
23 May 2024 07:00 AM Offer Rejection
22 May 2024 06:23 PM Result of AGM
22 May 2024 06:21 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 06:20 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 06:09 PM Form 8 (DD) - Touchstone Exploration
22 May 2024 06:06 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 06:06 PM Statement regarding Hargreaves Lansdown
22 May 2024 06:03 PM Holding(s) in Company
22 May 2024 06:03 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 06:01 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 06:00 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 06:00 PM EN+ GROUP ANNOUNCES ITS 2024 AGM
22 May 2024 05:58 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:58 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:54 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:43 PM Director/PDMR Shareholding
22 May 2024 05:42 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:41 PM Notification of Major Holding in Company
22 May 2024 05:40 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:40 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:39 PM Issue of Equity
22 May 2024 05:37 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:36 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:36 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:34 PM Transaction in Own Shares (Replacement)
22 May 2024 05:34 PM Result of AGM
22 May 2024 05:30 PM Notification of Major Holdings
22 May 2024 05:30 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:30 PM NLB: Issuance of senior preferred notes
22 May 2024 05:29 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:28 PM Issue of Equity
22 May 2024 05:24 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:23 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:18 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:18 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:18 PM Notification of Major Interest in Shares
22 May 2024 05:17 PM Transaction in Own Shares & Total Voting Rights
22 May 2024 05:17 PM Director/PDMR Shareholding
22 May 2024 05:17 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:14 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:14 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:12 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:12 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:12 PM Transaction in Own Shares
22 May 2024 05:11 PM Transaction in Own Shares
UK 100

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