Interim Results

Pentagon Protection PLC 25 June 2004 Pentagon Protection Plc Interim Results 2004 Much Improved Results; Confident Outlook Pentagon Protection Plc ('Pentagon' or 'The Company'), the provider of protective glazing products to the automotive commercial and residential sectors, announces its Interim Results for the six months ended 31 March 2004. David Thomas, Chairman, in his statement, reports: 'The period under review has been one of notable progress for Pentagon Protection. The integration of Filmtek Ltd., Pentagon Protection's first acquisition made in December 2003, following the April 2003 flotation on AIM, is progressing well. Our turnover has grown significantly and we have made a robust recovery on profit with a stronger and fitter Company. 'These results are broadly in line with management's expectations and strategy. As indicated in my annual report for year ended 30 September 2003, we acquired Filmtek in order to underpin the Company's leadership in the delivery of improved security and safety for glass of any kind, and this is being reflected in our figures and more broadly based business mix.' Financial Highlights • Turnover: £1.46m (2003: £531, 930) - Continuing operations £755, 757 - Acquisitions £709, 062 • Operating profit: £10,215 (2003: loss £60, 909) - Continuing operations loss £68, 508 (2003: loss £60, 909) - Acquisitions £78,723 • Pre-tax profit: £253 (2003: loss £76, 669) • Basic, diluted earnings per share: 0.00p (2003: loss 0.14p) • Net assets: £2.83m (2003: deficit £138, 054) • Cash £274,696 (2003: £6,786) • No dividend, in line with stated policy in prospectus. Corporate Highlights • Integration of first acquisition Filmtek Ltd progressing well. • Strengthens protective glass products business across broader client base. • Adds substantial flat glass expertise. • Projects domestically and overseas, especially in the Middle East. • Pentagon Glass Tech subsidiary actively engaged in with DfT, growing relationships with Fire Brigade, Metropolitan Police, Ambulance Service, MOD. • Progress with automotive sector OEM's: business won from Honda, Citroen, Wrightbus. • Project due to commence with Volkswagen. • Now recommended supplier for all London-area Mercedes dealers, first for the Company • New product development with Pilkington. Outlook Regarding the outlook David Thomas said: ' Pentagon Protection is well placed to take advantage of market opportunities at home and overseas for both its Filmtek and Pentagon Glass Tech subsidiaries. We look forward to continued progress across all areas of the business' Contact: David Thomas, Chariman Pentagon Protection PLC 020 8749 9749 Peter Binns Binns & Co PR 020 7786 9600 PENTAGON PROTECTION PLC CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Introduction and Financial Review I am pleased to report that the period under review has been one of notable progress for Pentagon Protection. The integration of Filmtek Ltd., Pentagon Protection's first acquisition made in December 2003, following the April 2003 flotation on AIM, is progressing well. Our turnover has grown significantly and we have made a robust recovery on profit with a stronger and fitter Company. The Group's financial results from continuing operations for the six months to 31 March 2004 show turnover of £755,757, compared with £531,930 for the same period last year. Including the effects of the Filmtek acquisition, half-year turnover increased to £1,464,819 against £1,165,914 for the whole of the year ended 30 September 2003. On profit, the Group significantly improved on last year's pre-tax losses of £270,000 by breaking even for the period. These results are broadly in line with management's expectations and strategy. As indicated in my annual report for the year ended 30 September 2003, we acquired Filmtek in order to underpin the Company's leadership in the delivery of improved security and safety for glass of any kind, and this is reflected in our figures and more broadly based business mix. BUSINESS REVIEW Filmtek Ltd. Filmtek has, as anticipated, strengthened the Group's objective of becoming a leading supplier of protective glass products across a broader client base and adds substantial flat glass expertise to the Company. Filmtek is in the process of undertaking several major projects both domestically and internationally, especially in the Middle East. The Company's clients include a number of global banks, international business houses and government departments. Pentagon Glass Tech Pentagon Glass Tech Ltd., the original core of business of the Group which went public on AIM, has been managing the market downturn in window tinting resulting from recent legislation adjustments which have slowed demand for normal vehicle tints to the driver and forward passenger windows. Significantly, your Company has taken the opportunity to promote its proprietary SupaGlass higher protection laminate across a number of existing and newly developed client opportunities. We are actively engaged with the Department for Transport to promote our product's safety and security aspects and, in addition, your Directors have been strengthening relationships and business with the Fire Brigade, the Metropolitan Police, the Ambulance Service and the Ministry of Defence. Pentagon's progress with Original Equipment Manufacturers in the automotive sector is also encouraging. We have secured business from Honda, Citroen, and Wrightbus, and are due to commence projects with Volkswagen. Pentagon has become the recommended supplier for all London-area Mercedes dealers, a first for a company in our sector. Pentagon Pro-Marker As you know, your Company has been working on the development of a product that provides a technically improved glass-etched security mark for use by glass and glazing industries in the face of new legislation. This new legislation (FENSA), driven by the UK's Glass & Glazing Federation, dictates that all new building glass must be marked or etched with the confirmation of its compliance with building regulations. Pentagon has commenced production of the first batch of etching units. In the meantime, we have conducted very successful tests with these units in one of the world's largest glazing manufacturers, Pilkington. We look forward to being able to report progress on this exciting project in the future. Outlook It is evident that the steps taken by your Board to strengthen both critical mass and senior management these last few months have resulted in a significantly improved stronger business. In our two lead companies, Pentagon Glass Tech and Filmtek, we have clear demonstration of product appeal both for SupaGlass and for our other protection technologies. The need for protection across glass of all types continues to grow, driven by urban criminal violence and terrorism. We are investing too in the expansion of our presence to the two potentially high growth territories of the Middle East and Far East. We have also seen an improvement in the confidence of our client companies to increase levels of business with us, resulting from further improvements and performance accreditation of our technologies and from our client service levels. Pentagon Protection is well placed to take advantage of market opportunities at home and overseas for both its Filmtek and Pentagon Glass Tech subsidiaries. We look forward to continued progress across all areas of the business. David Thomas Chairman 25 June 2004 PENTAGON PROTECTION PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the six months ended 31 March 2004 Unaudited six months Audited period ended ended 31 March September 2003 2004 2003 Notes £ £ £ Turnover 3 Continuing operations 755,757 531,930 1,165,914 Acquisitions 709,062 1,464,819 531,930 1,165,914 Cost of sales (473,347) (163,965) (354,100) Gross profit 991,472 367,965 811,814 Selling and distribution costs (182,459) (119,508) (251,496) Administrative expenses (808,859) (317,918) (817,303) Other operating income 10,061 8,552 17,754 Operating profit/(loss) Continuing operations (68,508) (60,909) (239,231) Acquisitions 78,723 - - 10,215 (60,909) (239,231) Interest receivable 1,025 66 988 Interest payable (10,987) (15,826) (32,179) Profit/(loss) on ordinary 253 (76,669) (270,422) activities before taxation Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary - - (111,500) activities - Profit/(loss) on ordinary 253 (76,669) (381,922) activities after taxation Losses brought forward (689,624) (307,702) (307,702) Accumulated losses carried £ (689,371) £ (384,371) £ (689,624) forward Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) 4 0.00p (0.14p) (0.47p) per share There are no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the financial period. PENTAGON PROTECTION PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MARCH 2004 Unaudited six months Audited period ended ended 31 March September 2003 2004 2003 Notes £ £ £ Fixed assets Intangible assets 5 2,348,873 - - Tangible assets 203,648 168,153 161,808 2,552,521 168,153 161,808 Current assets Stocks 62,770 41,074 39,274 Debtors 1,002,792 407,217 388,734 Deferred tax asset - 118,000 - Cash at bank and in hand 274,696 6,786 252,109 1,340,258 573,077 680,117 Creditors: Amounts falling due within (770,380) (608,721) (413,105) one year Net current assets/(liabilities) 569,878 (35,644) 267,012 Total assets less current liabilities 3,122,399 132,509 428,820 Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than (283,694) (270,563) (52,955) one year £ 2,838,705 £ (138,054) £ 375,865 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 125,956 54,167 89,167 Shares to be issued 5 750,000 - - Share premium account 2,459,970 - 784,172 Merger reserve 6 192,150 192,150 192,150 Profit and loss account 6 (689,371) (384,371) (689,624) Equity shareholders' funds £ 2,838,705 £ (138,054) £ 375,865 The notes on pages 6 to 10 form part of this interim report PENTAGON PROTECTION PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the six months ended 31 March 2004 Unaudited six months Audited period ended ended 31 March September 2003 2004 2003 £ £ £ Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 42,196 (39,700) (340,211) operating activities Returns on investments and servicing of (9,961) (9,012) (31,191) finance Taxation - - (29,354) Capital expenditure and financial (9,710) (721) 5,977 investment Acquisitions and disposals (943,263) - - Net cash outflow before management of (920,738) (49,433) (394,779) liquid resources and financing Financing 943,331 (10,529) 651,950 Increase/(decrease) in cash in the £ 22,593 £ (59,962) £ 257,171 period Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds/(debt) Increase/(decrease) in cash in the 22,593 (59,962) 257,171 period Cash movements relating to debt and 9,683 3,760 167,223 lease financing Movement in net funds/(debt) resulting 32,276 (56,202) 424,394 from cash flows Inception of new finance leases - - (25,186) Change in net funds/(debt) 32,276 (56,202) 399,208 Net debt at 1 October 2003 (10,902) (365,692) (410,110) Net funds/(debt) at 31 March 2004 £ 21,374 £ (421,894) £ (10,902) PENTAGON PROTECTION PLC NOTES TO THE INTERIM REPORT For the six months ended 31 March 2004 1. BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION The interim report has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost convention. On the 25 March 2003 Pentagon Protection Plc, which until that date had been a dormant company, acquired all the shares in both Pentagon Glass Tech Limited and Pentagon Glass Tech (Franchising) Limited, by way of a share for share transfer. The shareholders in Pentagon Protection Plc immediately after the transaction were the same as those in the two subsidiary companies immediately before the transaction. This combination has been accounted for using merger accounting rules since that date. On 11 December 2003 Pentagon Protection Plc acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Filmtek Limited. This subsidiary has been accounted for using acquisition accounting and consequently only the results since 11 December 2003 have been included in the consolidated profit and loss account. The financial information set out in this interim report does not constitute statutory financial information within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and it has not been audited. 2. ACCOUNTING POLICIES The following accounting policies have been used consistently in dealing with items which are considered material in relation to the financial statements. Accounting convention The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards. Turnover Turnover represents invoiced sales less returns exclusive of value added tax and trade discounts. Depreciation Depreciation is provided on all tangible fixed assets at rates calculated to write off the cost less estimated residual value of each asset over its expected useful life, as follows: Leasehold improvements Over period of the lease Plant and machinery 15% to 25 % reducing balance Fixtures and fittings 25% reducing balance Motor vehicles 25% reducing balance Goodwill Goodwill arising on the acquisition of a subsidiary undertaking is the difference between the fair value of the consideration paid and the fair value of assets acquired. It is capitalised and amortised through the profit and loss account over the Directors' estimate of its useful economic life of 20 years. Impairment tests on the carrying value of goodwill are undertaken: • At the end of the first financial year following acquisition; • In other periods if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable. Stocks Stocks and work in progress are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value after making due allowance for obsolete and slow moving items. Leased assets Where assets are financed by leasing or hire purchase agreements, the assets are treated as if they had been purchased. The present value of the minimum lease payments payable during the lease term is capitalised as a tangible asset and the corresponding leasing commitment is included as a liability. Rentals payable are apportioned between interest which is charged to the profit and loss account, and capital which reduces the outstanding commitment. All other leases are treated as operating leases. Their annual rentals are charged to the profit and loss account on a straight line basis over the term of the lease. Pension contributions The company operates a defined contribution scheme for its employees. The funds of this scheme are administered by trustees and are separate from the company. All payments are charged to the profit and loss account as and when they arise. Deferred tax Provision is made in full for all taxation deferred in respect of timing differences that have originated but not reversed by the balance sheet date, except for timing differences arising on revaluations of fixed assets which are not intended to be sold and gains on disposals of fixed assets which will be rolled over into replacement assets. No provision is made for taxation on permanent differences. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is more likely than not that they will be recovered. Foreign Currencies Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Gains or losses on foreign currency translations are charged to the profit and loss account as and when they arise. Research and development Development expenditure is capitalised on clearly defined projects whose outcome can be assessed with reasonable certainty. Amortisation is commenced in the year when significant revenues from the development occur and is charged at 33% of net book value. All other research and development expenditure is written off in the year in which it is incurred. Invoice discounting The group discounts some of its trade debts. The accounting policy is to include trade debt within trade debtors due within one year and record cash advances within creditors due within one year. Discounting fees and interest are charged to the profit and loss account when incurred. Bad debts are borne by the group and are charged to the profit and loss account when incurred. 3. TURNOVER The turnover for the period is attributable to the principal activities of the group. 4. EARNINGS/(LOSS) PER SHARE The calculations of earnings/(loss) per share are based on the following profits/(losses) and numbers of shares: Unaudited six months Audited period ended 31 March ended 30 September 2003 2004 2003 £ £ £ Profit/(loss) for the financial period £ 253 £ (76,669) £ (381,922) For basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share: Weighted average number of shares 111,567,876 54,166,668 81,495,627 5. PURCHASE OF SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKING On 11 December 2003 Pentagon Protection Plc acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Filmtek Limited, a company which supplies solar control, safety and security film. Net assets acquired: £ Tangible fixed assets 45,818 Stocks 16,755 Debtors 677,725 Cash at bank and in hand 1,964 Bank overdrafts (84,819) Creditors (415,476) ___________ 241,967 Goodwill 2,368,543 ___________ £ 2,610,510 ___________ Satisfied by: Shares allotted 750,000 Cash 860,510 Contingent consideration 1,000,000 ___________ £ 2,610,510 ___________ The contingent consideration is contingent on the future performance of Filmtek Limited for the three years ending 30 September 2006 and will be settled three quarters in shares of Pentagon Protection Plc and one quarter in cash. The cash payable of £250,000 is included within creditors falling due after more than one year. The shares are included as shares to be issued in capital and reserves. During the period an amortisation charge of £19,670 was made based on the directors' estimate of useful economic life of twenty years, thereby reducing the carrying value of goodwill at 31 March 2004 to £2,348,873. PENTAGON PROTECTION PLC NOTES TO THE INTERIM REPORT For the six months ended 31 March 2004 6. MOVEMENT IN RESERVES Merger reserve Share premium Profit & loss account Total £ £ £ £ At 1 October 2003 192,150 784,172 (689,624) 286,698 Premium arising on shares issued during the - 1,710,711 - 1,710,711 period Less costs of share issue (34,913) (34,913) Profit for the period 253 253 At 31 March 2004 £ 192,150 £ 2,459,970 £ (689,371) £ 1,962,749 7. COPIES OF THE INTERIM REPORT Copies of the interim report are available from the company's registered office at Pentagon House, Unit 4 Acton Park Estate, The Vale, Acton, London, W3 7QE. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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