Trading Statement

Games Workshop Group PLC 6 April 2000 GAMES WORKSHOP GROUP PLC ('GAMES WORKSHOP' OR THE 'COMPANY') TRADING UPDATE There are three parts to this announcement : an update on current trading; progress on New Media initiatives; and progress in the restructuring strategy. Update on Trading In our interim statement, released on 25th January, we reported profit before tax (pre exceptional items) up 9 per cent on the previous interim period. At the same time we stated that we were confident that the growth in the first half would be maintained in the full year. In the post Christmas period there has been a deterioration in the performance of our UK retail operations, as a consequence of which we now expect the results for the current year to be below market expectations. We believe this deterioration in UK retail is primarily due to the launch and success of the Pokemon trading card game. This has drained an element of the discretionary 'pocket money' spend which, we believe, would otherwise have been spent on Games Workshop products. In spite of this, the ongoing strength of the Games Workshop Hobby limited the decline in like-for-like sales in the UK retail chain to 15% in the post Christmas period and to below 5% for the year to date. The retail chain remains profitable. However, this together with a continuation of sluggish sales to the independent sector - most notably in Germany - has resulted in a shortfall in expected revenue. Significantly our North American operation continues to show strong sales and profit growth and our Internet sales grew by 85% in the third quarter. We currently have over 300,000 unique monthly visitors to our sites (games- Since the start of the second half we have added UK, German, French, and Australian Internet sales sites. These sales activities are supported by a huge Internet community boasting over 12,000 pages of Warhammer and 40k material. Extending the Reach of Games Workshop into New Media In line with our declared policy we are actively pursuing various initiatives to exploit further the powerful intellectual property of Games Workshop into the Internet and other media. Consequently we are ready to sign an agreement for an Internet based Multi User Dungeon (or 'MUD') set within the Warhammer world which will be in beta testing this summer, ready for launch before Christmas 2000. This will be operated by The Online Games Company ('Online') under a partnership agreement with Games Workshop. Players will access the game through a dedicated web site on the Internet by paying a monthly subscription. The world's most successful MUDs run on AOL and were created and maintained by Online. We have also agreed an option with Seattle based computer animators - Exile Films - to produce a feature length animated movie for TV set within the 40k universe. Games Workshop has retained all the associated merchandising rights and we are building a series of arrangements to create maximum value from this project. The founders of Exile Films are experienced animators whose credits include Lost In Space, Star Trek and the Starship Troopers TV series. These are the first of a number of strategic partnerships that we are currently exploring as part of our ongoing commitment to expanding the Games Workshop imagery into new media. We believe that this can significantly enhance shareholder value. We expect to announce further developments, both specific and structural, in the coming months. Progress on structural changes We have made significant progress in the restructuring changes we announced in the half year statement. Our new logistics function is up and running and has taken responsibility for stock replenishment to our sales organisations. The plans are now in place to obtain full multi-lingual packaging by June 2000 - a key part of the changes which will greatly simplify our supply chain processes. Order fill rates are greatly improved from the first half. We are close to finalising the contractual arrangements for the outsourcing of our North American warehousing and distribution. This will be a staged process commencing with distribution to the West Coast. The loss making Hong Kong head office is scheduled to close at the end of April with the distribution consolidated into a single location for Asia Pacific. The other changes outlined in the half year statement remain on track. Contacts: Chris Chief Games Workshop 0115 Prentice Executive 9168100 Michael Finance Games Workshop 0115 Sherwin Director 9168100 Shaun Dobson Credit Lyonnais 020 7588 Securities 4000 John Rawlings Rawlings PR 01756 (Press contacts) 770376 6 April 2000
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