Director Declaration

Gresham House plc 36 Elder Street, London E1 6BT 19 June 2006 Listing Rule 9.6.13 Further to the announcement made on 14th June 2006, we detail below the following details in respect of the newly appointed directors as required by the Listing Rules: Mr A G Ebel In accordance with paragraph 9.6.13 (1) of the Listing Rules, we notify that he is a director of Hallin Marine Subsea International plc. There are no further details to be disclosed under paragraph 9.6.13 (2) to (6) of the Listing Rules. Mr N Rowe There are no details to be disclosed under paragraph 9.6.13 (1) to (6) of the Listing Rules. Mr T Rowe There are no details to be disclosed under paragraph 9.6.13 (1) to (6) of the Listing Rules. Mr A P Stirling In accordance with paragraph 9.6.13 (1) of the Listing Rules, we notify that he is Chairman of Welsh Industrial Investment Trust plc, and a director of InvestinMedia plc and Mount Burgess Mining NL. His previous directorship was Gresham House plc until June 2006. There are no further details to be disclosed under paragraph 9.6.13 (1) to (6) of the Listing Rules. For further information please contact:- Richard Lane: 020 7588 7352 Brian Hallett: 020 7588 7352 Toby Hall (gth media relations) 020 7153 8039 19th June, 2006
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