Month End Performance - 31st January 2000

Mercury Keystone Inv Trust PLC 9 February 2000 MERCURY KEYSTONE INVESTMENT TRUST plc All information is at 31st January 2000 and unaudited. Performance at month end with net income reinvested Three One Three Five months year years years Net asset value - 0.4% + 9.1% +43.1% +125.8% Share price - 7.2% - 4.0% +24.5% + 99.6% FTSE All-Share Index + 2.8% +13.2% +54.7% +133.9% At month end Net asset value* 1183.51p Share price: 1022.50p Discount: 13.60% Total assets: £209.00m Net yield: 2.9% Gearing: 23.5% Effective gearing: 19.0% Value of debt: £40.0m Ordinary shares in issue: 14,302,562 * Includes current year net revenue 11.5p UK Sectors % Portfolio Financials 21.8 Cyclical Services 16.5 Non-Cyclical Services 16.6 Resources 12.3 Non-Cyclical Consumer Goods 11.9 General Industrials 8.9 Basic Industries 5.4 Utilities 4.0 Cash/Fixed interest 2.6 ----- Total 100.0 ----- Ten Largest Equity Investments Company % Investments Vodafone Airtouch 6.7 BP Amoco 6.4 British Telecom 5.7 Shell Transport and Trading 4.1 Glaxo Wellcome 3.9 Cable & Wireless 3.4 SmithKline Beecham 3.1 HSBC 2.7 Reuters 2.6 Mercury Grosvenor Trust 2.4 ---- Total 41.0 ---- Sources: Mercury Asset Management Ltd, Micropal Latest information is available by typing 'MAMINDEX' on Reuters, 'MAMI' on Bloomberg or '8800' on Topic 3 (ICV terminal).
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