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Schroders PLC 19 October 2001 EMBARGOED UNTIL 3.00pm 19TH OCTOBER 2001 19th October 2001 Schroders plc Appointment of new Group Chief Executive & Acquisition of Beaumont Schroders plc ('Schroders') is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Dobson as Chief Executive of Schroders. He brings enormous experience to this role with a proven track record of successfully running a global asset management business. He was previously head of Deutsche Asset Management and is currently Chairman and Chief Executive of Beaumont Capital Management Limited ('Beaumont'). He has served as a non-executive Director of Schroders for the past six months and, subject to receipt of regulatory consent, is expected to take up his new role as Chief Executive at the end of October. Furthermore, Schroders is accelerating its growth in private banking and alternative investment management through the proposed acquisition of Beaumont and its operations. Beaumont is an absolute return asset management business focusing on high net worth individuals, family offices and professional investors. Beaumont was founded in November 2000 by Michael Dobson and Raphael Kanza and was authorised by the Investment Management Regulatory Organisation in May 2001. It now has approximately US$275 million of funds actually or prospectively under management. Beaumont has assembled a team of exceptional investment professionals and is seen as a valuable and complementary addition to Schroders' existing operations in the private banking and alternative investment arena. Schroders proposes to pay £33.5 million for 100% of Beaumont in a mixture of Schroders non-voting stock, loan notes and cash. Beaumont shareholders have elected to take approximately 75 per cent of the consideration in Schroders non-voting shares. The consideration due to the Beaumont shareholders continuing as employees will be paid over three years. At 28th September 2001, Beaumont's unaudited net assets were £3.0 million(1). Beaumont, which became fully operational in the first half of 2001, has sustained moderate losses during the year to date. For calendar year 2001, it is anticipated that losses will be approximately £1 million. From 2002 onwards, Beaumont is expected to grow both its revenues and profitability strongly. Peter Sedgwick, Chairman of Schroders, commenting on the appointment and the acquisition, said: 'We are delighted that Michael has agreed to be our new Chief Executive. He has a wealth of experience in fund management and will provide excellent strategic leadership for Schroders. We are also very pleased to have secured the opportunity to acquire Beaumont's team to lead the way in diversifying and expanding the Group's position in the fast growing and attractive area of alternative investments which will be a major benefit to clients.' Michael Dobson commented: 'Schroders has been a tough competitor over many years. A strong investment culture, an excellent brand and a business focused on asset management and private banking are a great platform for building value. For Beaumont, this is a powerful opportunity to accelerate the growth of its business model.' Given Michael Dobson's existing status as a shareholder in Beaumont and a non-executive Director of Schroders, the proposed transaction will be subject to Schroders shareholders' approval at an extraordinary general meeting. A circular describing the proposed transaction and convening this meeting will be sent to shareholders shortly. In support of the proposed transaction, shareholders representing approximately 47 per cent of the ordinary share capital have irrevocably committed to vote in favour of the ordinary resolutions required to approve and implement the proposed transaction. Enquiries: Schroders plc Peter Sedgwick (Chairman) 020 7658 6476 Nick MacAndrew (Chief Financial Officer) 020 7658 6985 Julian Samways (Head of Corporate Communications) 020 7658 6166 Beaumont Capital Management Ltd Michael Dobson (Schroder Chief Executive Designate) 020 7024 7900 Greenhill (advisers to Schroders) Simon Borrows/James Hatchley 020 7440 0400 Hawkpoint (advisers to Beaumont) Christopher Kemball 020 7665 4500 GCI Financial Rupert Ashe 020 7398 0800 Notes to editors: Beaumont Capital Management Limited Beaumont is an absolute return asset management business based in London, England. The business, which employs 16 staff drawn from a variety of leading asset management and banking groups, currently has approximately US$275 million of funds actually or prospectively under management on behalf of high net worth individuals, family offices and professional investors. Michael Dobson, Chairman and Chief Executive and Raphael Kanza, Chief Investment Officer, co-founded Beaumont in 2000 and additional partners include Sally Tennant, Robin Apps, Dan Ison, Rupert Robinson, Toby Joll and David Reid Scott. The non-executive directors are John Armitage, Sir John Craven, John Morgan and Simon Murray. Beaumont aims to achieve consistent positive absolute returns by outperforming indices in strong markets and preserving capital in weak markets. Beaumont provides a segregated account management service for portfolios in excess of US$10 million and pooled long only and long/short investment funds for those investing smaller amounts. Beaumont's operations are regulated by IMRO. Michael Dobson Michael Dobson graduated from Cambridge in 1973 and joined the investment division of Morgan Grenfell. He was Managing Director of Morgan Grenfell Inc in New York (1984), Chief Executive of Morgan Grenfell Asset Management (1987) and Chief Executive of Morgan Grenfell Group (1989). He was Chief Executive of Deutsche Morgan Grenfell (1993) and a member of the Board of Managing Directors of Deutsche Bank from 1996-2000. He was responsible for the global asset management business of Deutsche Bank from 1998-2000 and remains a member of the Advisory Board of Deutsche Bank. Raphael Kanza Raphael Kanza graduated from the University of Paris in 1968 and joined Cheuvreux de Virieu S.A., one of the largest stockbroking firms in Paris. He was in charge of research, institutional sales and investment management from 1974. Following the acquisition of Cheuvreux by Banque Indosuez, he became Managing Director in 1988 and Chairman in 1994. In 1997, he joined SEFI S.A. an investment advisory firm based in Geneva. He co-founded Beaumont last year and is Chief Investment Officer. He is a Director of Argus Fund, The Establishment Trust, The Egerton European Equity Fund and Foreign & Colonial Eurotrust PLC. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Schroders plc Schroders is a leading international asset management and private banking group, with nearly 200 years experience in financial services and with over £ 122 billion funds under management. Apart from managing investments on behalf of pension funds, government bodies, charities, corporations, family groups and high net worth individuals throughout the world, Schroders is a leading manager of unit trusts and other mutual funds and an established provider of banking and fiduciary services. Schroders offers investments across all major asset classes in developed and emerging countries; public equities and debt, money markets, private equity, hedge funds and property. Schroders employs over 2,700 staff world-wide through 39 offices in 28 countries and territories. Further information about Schroders is located on Schroder Investment Management Limited is regulated by IMRO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) Source: Beaumont management accounts (unaudited), adjusted for capital changes proposed to take effect prior to completion of the proposed transaction.


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