Edita Food Industries - Summary of Resolutions of the Board of Directors Meeting of the company convened on Monday dated 20/05/2024.
Giza, 20/05/2024
Edita Food Industries S.A.E. ("the Company") announces that the Board of Directors Meeting of the Company convened on Monday dated 20/05/2024 and unanimously resolved the following resolutions:
1) Approved the minutes of the previous Board of Directors (No. 183) dated 19/05/2024.
2) Approved the Board of Directors' report for the Company's activities for the financial period ending on 31/03/2024.
3) Approved the auditor's report related to the standalone and consolidated financial statements for the financial period ending on 31/04/2024.
4) Approved amending the signatory authorities and the spending limits.
5) Updated the Board of Directors on the Audit Committee Report.
Ms. Menna Shams El Din
Chief Investor Relations Officer & Corporate Affairs
T: +202 3851 6464 | M: +20 100 1542428 | menna.shamseldin@edita.com.eg